This man posted his 95 Theses in 1517, sparking the Protestant Reformation.
This belief holds that Scripture alone is the source of authority.
Sola Scriptura
State of purification before entering Heaven
This invention helped spread ideas throughout Europe
Printing Press
The Catholic Church recognizes this number of sacraments.
This Catholic scholar was executed for refusing to accept Henry VIII as the head of the Church.
St. Thomas More
Which Sacraments did Luther keep?
Baptism and a form of the Eucharist
This term refers to an indulgence that completely removes temporal punishment for sins.
The Renaissance was a rebirth of this.
Greco-Roman culture
Catholics believe that both of these play a role in salvation.
Faith & Works
This Catholic saint helped reform the Carmelite Order.
St. Teresa of Avila
The Pope is the head of the Catholic Church, while this person is the head of the Anglican Church.
the Monarch of England
This is the analogy Ms. DiMaggio used for explaining the double consequence of sin and the practice of indulgences.
Torn shoulder & physical therapy
This event is considered the start of the Renaissance.
Fall of Constantinople (moved the cultural and economic center to Italy)
This council reaffirmed Catholic teachings in response to the Reformation.
Council of Trent
This Jesuit missionary helped spread Christianity to Asia.
The idea that God has already chosen who will be saved is called this.
What is the complete definition of indulgences (must be exact wording)
Remission of temporal punishment due to sin already forgiven
This French saint led troops in the Hundred Years' War and was later canonized.
St. Joan of Arc
This term refers to the selling of church offices or sacred things.
This saintly bishop helped implement the reforms of the Council of Trent and played a key role in the Counter-Reformation.
St. Charles Borromeo
List at least 4 requirements for gaining an indulgence.
1. Go to confession (be in a state of Grace)
2. Go to Mass and receive Holy Communion
3. Do the Indulgenced act
4. Have the right intention
5. Pray for the Pope
6. Be totally detached from sin
This philosophical movement emphasized human potential and achievements.
What problem in the Church did the creation of seminaries help solve?
Unfaithful priests with a lack of education and spiritual formation