Name each of the sacraments and their type
Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
Sacraments of Service: Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders
Sacraments Healing: Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick
Which sacrament brings us closest to Jesus?
What does it mean to be a martyr?
To give your life for your faith.
What is a relic?
Part of a deceased holy person’s body or belongings kept as objects of reverence.
When did Jesus’s public ministry begin?
After his baptism
Which are the gospels for each liturgical year?
A- Matthew
B- Mark
C- Luke
What is proper disposition?
The interior attitude of a person receiving the sacrament.
When was church founded?
Who was Nero?
A Roman emperor who persecuted & tortured Christians. He blamed the 64 AD Fire of Rome on them.
What is Transubstantiation?
Transubstantiation is the name of the process that the bread and wine turn into body and blood of Christ.
What are the four marks of the church and what do they mean?
One- One bc God is one. He calls us to stay united.
Holy- Holy because Christ is Holy.
Catholic- Universal, open to all.
Apostolic- Comes from Apostles. Traditions handed down
What is the Didache?
The Didache, also known as the "Teaching of the Twelve Apostles," is an early Christian text that holds significant historical and theological importance.
What is consecration?
Consecration is the moment during the mass that the bread and wine turn into the blood and body.
How did the mass change after Vatican II?
- The priest now faces the people
- We can receive communion standing and on our hands, instead of kneeling and on the tongue
- Girls can altar serve as well, instead of just boys
What is the high point of the mass?
The Eucharistic Prayer
What does it mean to be an apologist? Give an example of one.
Christian writers of the 2nd and 3rd centuries who defended and explained the faith in their writings.
Justin Martyr
What are the symbols of the Sacraments of Initiation
Holy Water (Baptism)
Chrism Oil
What is the process under which adults go to receive sacraments?
What are adults who want to become members of the church called?
When was the Eucharist instituted?
At the Last Supper
What is significant about the Council of Trent?:
It helped define Church doctrine and what the 7 sacraments are.
What is Saul’s conversion story?
He was going to persecute Christians but then had a vision of Christ where he was blinded and a Christian healed him.
Why were there 12 apostles?
They represented the 12 tribes of Israel
What is disposition?
The state of a person receiving a sacrament (state of grace, etc…)
When do adults receive the sacraments?
Easter Vigil