Emperor who became a Christian and legalized Christianity (whether genuine or political)
Taught that there is a secret knowledge within us, and that's where salvation comes from... Jesus was not fully human, but just a spirit
A defense
What was the Edict of Milan?
Constantine legalized Christianity and the line between church and state became blurred
Constantinople was the most important city in the __________ (East or West?)
This is the bishop of Rome who 'saved the day' at the Council of Chalcedon. Some say he was the first pope.
Taught that we are in the 'age of the Spirit', and came up with new supposed revelations from God about how everyone must listen to him, the 'mouthpiece of the Spirit'
Montanus / Montanism
Right teaching or sound doctrine
Tell me something important about Athanasius
- fought against Arianiasm
- aided by the Cappadocian fathers
- a huge player at the Council of Nicaea
It seems that all of the heresies we've discussed from this era had something to do with WHAT issue?
The divinity of Christ / is Jesus fully God and fully man... if so, how?
Grew up in Smyrna but was stationed in Lyon making him a figure of common ground for both East and West
'There was a time when the Son was not'-- Jesus is below or less than God the father, not equal
A rule or standard, in our context, an agreed-upon set of books.
List four of the five cities that we call the 'Five Sees'
Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem
This council was called because Arian was preaching that 'there was a time when the Son was not'
The Nicaean Council
Bishop of Alexandria who is responsible for the ugly Council of Ephesus (he showed up early to beat his opponent), and preached that the divine nature of Christ overshadows his human nature
This wasn't really a heresy-- Nestorius was simply misunderstood... he said what?
Sometimes we see the divine side of Jesus, sometimes we see the human side. Doesn't mean he isn't fully both at all times!
In the context of church history... what does Catholic mean?
Overarching or universal
Tell me something about Justin's upbringing / background
- Greek philosophy
- Was an academic / man of knowledge
- Member of the laity
Named the bishop of Milan before he was even baptised (also defended the church by banning the emperor from communion)
Original sin / do people 'have holiness in them?
What is the magisterium?
The authority of the Catholic church and the idea that the church leaders' interpretation must be elevated
What year was the Fall of Rome?
476 AD
The Council of Chalcedon was called to figure out what issue of doctrine?