who was st. Benedict
Founded 12 communities of monks and created a set of rules for monasteries and changed how bad monasteries were at the time.
who was st. Cyril and Methodius
brother, byzantine Christian theologians and missionary's
what was the edict of Milan
it granted religious liberty to those who practiced Christianity and other faiths.
in monasteries, days were divided into what 2 main activities
prayer and work around the monasteries
what were the 2 main causes of the great schism
. disputes over the authority of the pope
. theological disagreement regarding the Filoque clause.
who was st. Jerome
biblical translate an monastery leader. he was a doctor of the church.
who was Justinian
roman emperor of Byzantine. held the eastern frontier of his empire against Persians.
what dilemma did the edict of Milan cause for the Christians.
allowing them to practice their religion freely within the Roman Empire
what were the specific things monasteries did during the middle ages during the middle ages to preserve culture and help society in western Europe during the dark times
. language
. illuminated manuscript
. libraries
what new Christian religion resulted after the great schism
Eastern Orthodox church
who was st. Boniface
organized foundations for the church in Germany
what was a patriarch
it was a chief or father of a family
what 2 new lifestyles developed in the church to help faithful Christians follow Jesus more closely.
. monastic life (converted around work and prayer)
.Missionary life (went in public to spread Gods work)
what vows from the Benedictine rules do they still take?
(COPS) Chasity, obedience, poverty, silence
who was st Gregory the great
important figure in shaping of medieval Christianity. had a mission to convert Britain's Angelo Saxons.
what was the council of Jerusalem
conference of Christian apostles that declared that gentile Christians didn't have to observe the monastic law of Jews.
what did st. Benedict do to make monasteries more holy?
Saint Benedict established a monastic community that followed the Rule that he had set out at Subiaco
what were some underlying differences that developed between Christians in the western and eastern parts of Romen empire?
. theological disputes
.practice iconoclasm
.different customs
who was Charlemagne
first emperor of the holy Romen empire. he converted many Germen people. he spred Christianity in Germany.
what was a religious order
a society who's members make a Solomon vows that are accepted by a superior in the home of the church.
what was st. Benedict rule
organized monastic life to be a place of prayer and work.
what was the great scism 5pt
pope Leo IX
Separation of Catholic church of West from Orthodox churches of the east.
church constinople, church rome
theological disputes