This common church call and response can be heard in black and Caribbean churches near and far
What is God is good all the time and all the time God is good?
These producers won a Grammy with Maverick City
Who is Kyle and Cori?
This chemical reaction got the party "turnt"
What is turning water into wine?
On this special occasion, this signature vegan dish is offered.
What is unleavened bread and wine?
This phrase encompasses the upmost standard of hygienic heights.
What is Cleanliness is next to Godliness
At the end of many benedictions Pastors often encourage the congregants to participate in the service by saying...
What is let the church say Amen?
To open up the Sabbath this song is traditionally song in households and churches across the world, thanking God for bring his day of rest.
What is safely through another week?
The first major surgery in the Bible
God taking Adams rib
The Divine Uber Eats sent meals to the children of Israel for this long before it expired.
What is 1 day?
These items are used in this situation.
What is a Woman Falling Out
This is stated when a church member goes up to give a selection.
What is "Listen to the words not the voice"?
What is "Great is Thy Faithfulness"?
The healing properties of this sea cured this man.
Who is Naaman?
The surplus of 2 fish and 5 loaves were contained in this many baskets.
What is 12 baskets?
This form of measurement was used to determine
What is the Holy Ghost Test
When the saints are tussling in their spirits but want to remain holy.
What is "if I wasn't a Christian"?
This is the most common theme in the worship in song hymnal.
What is love?
This individual was cured by the first Telehealth visit.
Who is the Senturion servant?
These two items were among the many that were given as a gift from Jacob (Israel) to Joseph at the time of Great Famine.
*You can find them in a common granola bar today*
What is honey, spice, nuts, almonds?
This sound signifies that the church is about to start doing this action
What is shouting
Solve this acronym
What is "Its indeed a wonderful privilege for me to stand before you today."?
The phrase "gospel music" was first printed in this year or century.
What is 1874?
What is the 19th century?
In algebra 1+1+1=3, but this phenomenon in church math allows 1+1+1=1.
Who is the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost?
Solomon was sick of love and wanted to be comforted with this fruit.
What is apples?
This is a plate we don't eat off of but gets passed around every week
what is the offering plate