Biblical Heroes
Prayers and Promises
Animals in the Bible
Signs and Symbols
Kings and Kingdoms

This woman, a Moabite, showed incredible loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi and became an ancestor of King David.

Who is Ruth?


This prayer, taught by Jesus, begins with the words, "Our Father who art in heaven."

What is the Lord's Prayer?


This powerful and fearsome sea creature, described in the book of Job, is often depicted as a symbol of chaos and untamable strength.

What is Leviathan?


This symbol of God's promise to never flood the earth again appeared in the sky after the great flood

What is the rainbow?


This king, known for his wisdom, built the first temple in Jerusalem.

Who is Solomon?


This Old Testament hero led the Israelites in their first major battle after leaving Egypt, holding his hands up to ensure victory while Aaron and Hur supported him.

Who is Moses?


This promise from the book of Jeremiah states, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you _______."

What is "a hope and a future"?


This group of insects was one of the ten plagues sent upon Egypt in the book of Exodus

What are locusts?


This vision in the book of Daniel featured a statue with a head of gold, chest and arms of silver, belly and thighs of bronze, legs of iron, and feet of iron and clay, symbolizing future kingdoms.

What is the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?


This king of Judah was crowned at just eight years old and became known for leading a great reform to restore worship of the true God.

Who is Josiah?


This woman hid two Israelite spies on her roof and is listed in the genealogy of Jesus.

Who is Rahab?


In Psalm 23, this promise is made: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for _______."

What is "You are with me"?


This bird brought an olive leaf back to Noah, signaling that the floodwaters had receded.

What is a dove?


This object, carried by the Israelites, contained the Ten Commandments and symbolized God's presence with His people

What is the Ark of the Covenant?


This king of Israel was the first anointed by the prophet Samuel, but he later lost favor with God

Who is Saul?


This woman showed great courage and leadership by defeating an enemy general, Sisera, alongside the judge Deborah.

Who is Jael?


This Old Testament figure prayed for God to make the sun stand still during a battle, and his prayer was answered.

Who is Joshua?


This animal is mentioned in the book of Job as a powerful creature with a tail like a cedar tree, often debated among scholars.

What is Behemoth?


In the New Testament, this symbol was used by John the Baptist to describe the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus at His baptism.

What is a dove?


This king prayed to God when he was told he would die, and God granted him an additional 15 years of life

Who is Hezekiah?


This judge of Israel led 300 men to victory against the Midianites, trusting in God's plan.

Who is Gideon?


This woman prayed silently in the temple for a child and was later blessed with the prophet Samuel.

Who is Hannah?


This animal spoke to Balaam in the Old Testament, warning him about an angel in his path.

What is a donkey?


In the book of Revelation, this number is associated with the "mark of the beast."

What is 666?


This Babylonian king had dreams interpreted by the prophet Daniel, including the famous vision of a statue made of various metals

Who is Nebuchadnezzar?