Flew to heaven on a flaming chariot
What is
Elijah the prophet
"For God so loved the world.....
What is
"that he gave his only begotten son"
The number of Sundays of the Great Lent
What is
First martyr and archdeacon
What is
St. Stephen
Established Christianity in Egypt
What is
St. Mark
Made the golden calf for the Israelites
What is
"I can do all things...
What is
"through Christ who strengthens me"
The phrase that is repeated on Palm Sunday
Hossana to the son of David
Saint of two swords
What is
St. Philopateer (Abu sefein)
Ordered the persecution of the Christians for a long period of time
What is
The man who raised his hands to win a battle but when lowered, they lost
What is
"You shall love the Lord your God, with......
What is
"all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind"
Hymn repeated multiple times in every hour of holy week
What is
Thok te ti gom
Pope Kyrillos' name as a monk
What is
Where the disciples were first called Christians
What is
What Jesus used for the feeding of the four-thousand
What is
Seven loaves of bread and a few fish
"All things are lawful for me.....
"but not all things are helpful"
The three temptations of temptation Sunday
What is
Rock to bread, Jump off building, and gaining all the kingdoms.
Saint with this phrase "el sa-a cam delwakty?"
Who is
Ava Youstes el antouny
The council that excommunicated Nestoir
What is
The council of Chalcedon
The amount of time the flood covered the earth
What is
150 days
"And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but.........
"have not love, it profits me nothing."
The order of the 7 weeks
What is
Preparation/Treasure, Temptation, Prodigal son, Samaritan Woman, Paralyzed man, Blind man, Palm Sunday
Saint named after a camel
What is
Anba Rewaz
Pope Tawadrous' number of patriarch
ex. Mark is 1
What is