Government (Ms. Bonnie)
U.S. elections
U.S. State Capitals
More U.S. elections
U.S. States

This form of government is ruled by a person who rules until they die or abdicate

What is a monarchy?  England is a constitutional monarchy, meaning the monarch is limited by the rule of law.


If Bob wins 47% of a state's popular vote and Kathie wins 49%, how will the state’s electoral votes be divided among the candidates?

What is Kathie will win all electoral votes and Bob will win none


The state capital out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean

What is Honolulu?


An organization of individuals with broad, common interests who organize to win elections, to operate the government, and to thereby influence government policy is called this

What is a political party?


The most populous state in the Midwest

What is Illinois?


In this system of government, religious leaders rule in the name of their deity

What is a theocracy?   Iran is an example of a theocracy.  


Some historians call the election in which this man beat John Breckinridge the most important in U.S. history

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


This capital's Big Dam Bridge almost a mile long spans a dam on the Arkansas River

What is Little Rock?


A survey taken at polling places of how people voted used by news media and party workers to predict the winner of the election before the official results come out is called this

What is an exit poll?


Its state song includes the words: From hill to hill from creek to creek Potomac calls to Chesapeake

What is Maryland?


In this system of government, one person has total authority over the country

What is a dictatorship?   Raul Castro is the dictator of Cuba.  


Politicians that have already been elected to office and are now running for reelection are called this

What is Incumbents?


This Missouri capital is one of the 4 named after a U.S. president

What is Jefferson City?


The United States has a _________ party system

What is Two?


This state leads the U.S. in the production of tobacco & bourbon whiskey

What is Kentucky?


In this form of government, power is divided between a national government and other smaller governmental units

What is federalism?  The US is a great example of federalism


Political organizations established by a corporation, labor union, or other special interest group designed to support candidates by contributing money are called PACs.  PAC stands for this

Political Action Committee


It's the northernmost state capital; it can get real cold there too

What is Juneau


A series of statements expressing the principles, beliefs, and positions of a candidate on election issues and a plan of action if they are elected is called this

What is a platform?


Native daughter Helen Keller is on the reverse of the quarter that represents this Southern state

What is Alabama?


In this form of government, a small group of people control all decisions for a nation

What is an oligarchy?  South Africa under apartheid was an oligarchy.


A ballot that allows a person to vote without going to the polls on Election Day is called

What is an absentee ballot?


A sign in this Oregon capital marks the 45th parallel half way between the equator and the North Pole

What is Salem?


Refers to the Tuesday in February or March of a presidential election year when the greatest number of states hold primary elections

What is Super Tuesday?


The highest temperature ever recorded in this state was a blistering 118 degrees at Keokuk on July 20 1934

What is Iowa?