
Who is the first group to contact a positive student case? Hint: They provide pre-triage notes.



Who do we send student outputs TO?

TO: SHS Covid team

EOC (Now send separate auto output to EOC-OCC), [and COEM if also an employee]

CC: Robert, Molly, Sandra, Michele [and P Hauser (if employee)]


Which UCSD Department sends the daily list of positive cases?



Who is our Program Manger? CC on all outputs

Robert Wood!


Which group of close contacts did we FORMERLY click "NO" to send to CT?

Non-UCSD Affiliates


What are the first three digits of a student case?



Who do we send employee outputs TO?

TO: COEM, EOC* (Now separate auto output to EOC-OCC)

CC: Robert, Sandra, Molly, Michele and P Hauser


Who completes CI/CT for cases who confirm that they have interactions with healthcare patients?

HS-IPCE-Contact Tracing (Daryn Ikeda and Priscilla Cardenas) or UC Health CT Team


Who are the CI/OI Leads? CC on all outputs

Sandra Cracchiolo, Molly Malone, Michele Phung

Which websites/resources can we refer to before calling employee cases?

Blink, Staff Directory, Epic, for example


After how many attempts to we escalate a student case to the CI Leads?



What do we have to do in REDCap to ensure that the notification is sent containing the automated output report?

Mark all forms complete (Green)


Which department provides high-level cleaning services on-campus where a case visited during their infectious period?



Who is included on all outputs along with the leads (for EMPLOYEE cases)?

Pamela Hauser (

Workers comp $ 


If we find out a case is involved in any UCSD Athletics or Club sports, who do we CC on our outputs?

Athletics Dept (official collegiate sports): Vanessa Yang; UCSD Rec/Club: Rich Mylin


What two important pieces of information do we need to confirm with a case's supervisor? 

On-site work locations, work schedule, and coworker close contacts, for example


What two pieces of information need to be included on outputs for EOC?

Locations on campus during a case's infectious period (+ 14 days) and duration spent at those locations.


Who oversees Q/iso housing and must be CC'd on our outputs for transporting students?

QHC (Quarantine Housing Coordinators)


Who is our point of contact at SD County? You CC him on outputs that contain relevant travel or HRT/HNC information

Garrett McGaugh


DAILY DOUBLE: What is an HRT (full definition) & what type of attendees are sent to CT from this type of event?

An HRT, or high-risk for transmission, event is a one-time event that involves 10+ people (case can name all 10 in their group) at a social gathering, such as: a wedding, a party, an athletic event, or a restaurant/bar, etc. Attendees from an HRT SPREAD event (Day -3) should always be sent to CT to conduct contact tracing. (HRT Source info should still be collected and noted in case notes or additional event details, but for now, HRT Source Attendees are NOT sent to CT).


Which groups of Close Contacts must we always click "Yes" to send to CT?

UCSD Student, UCSD Employee, UCSD Community Affiliate (Recently Non-UCSD Affiliate since a line list is now sent daily to SD County)


After outputs are sent, when might you need to escalate the case info to the leads?

Students in Greek Life- Leads need to alert SFL

Students in Athletics- Leads/outbreak team need to alert/collect roster from Vanessa Yang or other athletics staff


Who determines return to work clearance/COVID leave pay for employee cases?

COEM (and P Hauser)


Name all the CT Leads/Managers

Jazmine, Kelly M, Hanna, Matt, Rachel,

Bonus: CAN- Kelly B & Miranda- CT Lead Float


Part 1: What dates are used to determine a case's infectious period? Part 2: What dates are used to determine a case's isolation period?

1: 48 hours before symptom onset (if syx) or test collection date (if asyx), whichever comes first

2: Day 0 is syx onset if syx/test collection date if asyx. A case must isolate for Days 1-10 after Day 0. Ex: Syx Onset date was 9/30. So, this case must isolate the first 10 days of Oct (10/01-10/10). They may exit iso and return to their usual schedule on 10/11.