What are the three Committees of CIA
Art, Activity, Activism
who is the cite coordinator
Who is the most one member that has been in theater THE MOST
Yhuali (She's never here...)
what is a pink fish that is shaped like a ring
what is a popular card game but also a popular mobile app you use to catch pokemon
Pokemon (Go)
who is the most HATED CIA member?
Kenya (JK we love you)
Who is the resource center staff
Mr. Jose
Who was the first freshman to Join CIA
Ethan Ngo
what is the CIA presidents favorite food?
A game where everyone wanted to play but Noel did not allow it!(Toenancy wanted to play this game 24/7)
Who is the Head of Art in CIA
Who were the two staff that have left Educare over the past two years
Mr. Kyle, and Ms. Amelia
who is the Historian for CIA
Yvonne Ho
What was the biggest food related event in CIA
the summer festival fruit
A game that is named after something above an Angel's head
Who was the first ever CIA + TAC club president
Who was the first assistant cite coordinator during MY (Noel's) freshman year
Ms. Xochi
Who is Ms. Christina's favorite student!
what was the first ever food related event that CIA had in its history!
Ice cream social
long thing that eats orbs
when was the first ever CIA meeting with a Google slides presentation
What was the first ever TAC campaign in the last three years
The tiger closet drive!
Who will become the future vice president not of CIA in the next school year
NO ONE (still undecided)
What was the most popular food time during the CIA Halloween carnival
Cotton Candy
Popular cooking game that was released on DS in Japan 2006
Cooking Mama (Yeah!)