List where all untendered Customer Orders will display.
What is the Active Orders List (AOL)?
3 requirements needed for LPA sign on
What are the Lux ID, Network Password, and store number?
Line on the tendering screen which indicates how much the customer is paying out of pocket.
Lab router which facilitates communication between equipment.
Store Systems Support and Diagnostics Manager
Personality Server tool that SSS runs if the lab tickets won't print.
What is customer order - Lab Ticket Print Restart?
Action to take if Xstore gives a CRYPTO FAILURE error when tendering a credit card.
Escalate to 2nd level (critical).
NACC department who handle all lab equiment issues aside from communication.
Libby's dog's name.
Process that allows associates to order frames that are not in stock in store.
Permission required to force jobs to Central Lab.
Correct Baud rate setting that should be listed in the Systech Serial Settings (NDS models) or Port Parameters (RCS models).
What is 9600?
2nd Level Analyst who is also a licensed optician.
If If an associate who should be able to approve measurements isn’t able to do so in customer order they are missing this role.
Status code which means the site is awaiting materials to process the job.
What is Product to Come (PTC)?
Maximum length of time SSS would allow polling to continue before escalating to 2nd level?
What is 45 minutes?
Two places where the Systech router can usually be found.
A function only available to 5 stores in Quebec which enables them to take partial payments from our customers as a deposit on the order.
What is C.O.D. (Cash On Delivery)?
Color the Lab Status traffic light will be if the Complete Lab is up.
Which template do you use if tax is incorrect in xstore?
Adapter used only for the 2G Surface Generator.
Blue 25-pin (male)
What functionality accomplishes the goal of a selling store being able to trace a frame and send the trace data information to outside labs electronically.