How Many is That?
Do You Understand This?!
Teaching and Learning
The number of syllables in "always"
What is 2 syllables
The theory that states students should be taught just beyond their independent level, which would be their instructional level. At this level they will need some assistance from their teacher.
What is Zone of Proximal Development?
The word is tip. What word do we have if we replace the /t/ with a /n/? This is an example of
What is phoneme substitution?
activating background knowledge, planning for reading, and setting a purpose
What are prereading strategies?
Phonics taught explicitly with the rules and students are taught to use these rules to "sound out words"
What is synthetic phonics instruction?
The number of syllables in "elephant"
What is three syllables?
This reader is learning to select appropriate texts, focuses most of their attention on comprehension, and is developing strategies for understanding varieties of genres.
What is a transitional reader? (Taberski pg. 53)
One of these words is not like the others: dog, dip, and top. This is an example of
What is phoneme categorization?
combining background knowledge with clues from the text
What is making inferences?
Students are taught word families to help them identify and spell words. If students know bat then they will be able to figure out mat.
What is analogy phonics instruction?
The number of phonemes in "knife"
What is 3 phonemes?
Unlike guided reading, fluency should be instructed at this level
What is the child's independent level?
Children break a word into separate sounds, saying each sound. /p/ /a/ /n/
What is phoneme segmentation?
If the reader understands what is explicitly stated in the text it is considered to be _____________ understanding.
What is literal?
Students are sitting on the floor in front of a big book. Their teacher is pointing to the words as the class reads along with the teacher. This is an example of _______________.
What is shared reading?
The number of syllables in "congratulations"
What is five syllables?
This reader uses pictures to predict meaning, is learning sight words and is beginning to problem solve words using visual, syntactic, and semantic cues together.
What is emergent reader? (Taberski p. 53)
When children recognize the same sounds in different words (pun, pipe, pencil) this is known as:
What is phoneme identity?
The internal conversation in the head of readers to determine if they are understanding what they read is referred to as
What is monitoring?
Two effective ways to teach phonological awareness
What is playing rhyming games, clapping out syllables of words, using Elkonin boxes with tiles or chips to segment words, etc.? (game host's judgement beyond these)
The number of phonemes in "frequent"
What is 7 phonemes?
Assessed Words: robe, hope, hike, time Kendra's Responses: rob, hop, hik, tim Using this assessment it appears that Kendra would get the most benefit from instruction focused on which of the following:
What is silent e makes the vowel sound long?
When students are asked to put sounds together to make a word like /d/ /i/ /m/ is dime.
What is phoneme blending?
I, as a reader, understand the reading strategies I am using and am aware of my own thinking.
What is metacognition?
Three ways to help develop students' vocabularies
What is wide and voracious reading, explicitly teaching words in context, discussion and opportunities to use new words, pictures connected to words, graphic organizers, morphemic analysis? (beyond these up to game host's judgement)