Finish the Lyric!
TV and Movies
The Bible as a Whole
Have you been going to Bible Study?

Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all the time
Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go

Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth


This holiday, celebrated on February 14th, is associated with love and the exchange of cards and gifts.

What is Valentine's Day?


With his famous line being, “We were on a break!”, this Friends cast member was one of the central characters in the series.

Who is Ross?


This man wrote the first five books of the Bible, also known as the Torah. 

Who is Moses?


This person enters the synagogue as Jesus is teaching in the first chapter of Mark.

Who is a possessed man?


Breathe me in, breathe me out
I don't know if I could ever go without
I'm just thinking out loud

I don't know if I could ever go without


This song is a traditional tune sung in the movie “Mean Girls” during the holiday talent show.

What is “Jingle Bell Rock”?


This fictional African country is the main setting of the Marvel movie Black Panther.

What is Wakanda?


God used this part of Adam to create his wife, Eve, in the book of Genesis. 

What is a rib?


These disciples were called to follow Jesus is the first chapter of Mark.

Who are Simon, Andrew, James, and John?


So I thought that if I piled something good on all my bad
That I could cancel out the darkness I inherited from dad
No, I am no longer funny, 'cause I miss the way you laugh


You once called me forever, now you still can't call me back


Famous for turkey raising, this state sells the most Thanksgiving turkeys across America.

What is Minnesota?


This famous comedian voiced Mushu is the Disney movie Mulan.

Who is Eddie Murphy?

This man baptized Jesus in the ____ River.

Who is John the Baptist, what is the Jordan River?


Levi was called to follow Jesus in chapter two of Mark. Levi had a controversial job as a ____.

What is a tax collector?


It was 1989
My thoughts were short, my hair was long
Caught somewhere between a boy and man

She was 17
And she was far from in-between


It was summertime in northern Michigan


The term “guising” refers to this common Halloween tradition.

What is dressing up?


In the movie Shrek, Donkey continuously says he's making ___ in the morning.

What are waffles?


This is the number of plagues God sent to Egypt.

What is 10?


This is the city Jesus healed the sick man who was lowered from the ceiling.

What is Capernaum?


Hey! Grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling
I associate him with the sound of falling sand, ch-ch-ch

I could always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling


This former United States president made Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day federal holidays during his presidency in 1870.

Who is Ulysses S. Grant?


In The Simpsons, Bart is in this fourth grade teachers class.

Who is Mrs. Krabappel?


David played this musical instrument.

What is a harp?


In Mark chapter four, the sower in the parable throws seeds in these four places.

What are the path, rocky soil, thorns, and good soil?