A man ruins Christmas by leaving his child home alone to fight burglars.
Home Alone
A father's overprotectiveness leads to his son being kidnapped, and he has to team up with an amnesiac to find him.
Finding Nemo.
A guy with a shield gets frozen for 70 years, wakes up, and immediately starts causing government problems.
Captain American
A guy falls in love with a rich woman on a boat, but their relationship sinks fast.
A kid gets abandoned by his parents, befriends an alien, and somehow doesn't need therapy.
A cyborg from the future comes to kill a woman, but really, it's just an elaborate plan to make her fall in love.
The Terminator
A lonely snowman nearly gets melted because two sisters refuse to have a normal conversation.
A bunch of criminals team up to steal an old guy's rock collection.
Guardians of the Galaxy
A writer fakes an entire relationship, then is shocked when the guy she's dating doesn't love that.
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
A billionaire tries to entertain children with dinosaurs, but it goes horribly wrong when nature says, "nope"
Jurassic Park
A group of kids finds an old guy's skull and decides to follow the directions he left inside.
The Goonies
A kid travels across dimensions just to prove to his family that music isn't evil.
A teenager gets bitten by a bug, starts doing parkour, and somehow that ruins his uncle's life.
A journalist goes undercover at a high school and somehow doesn't get arrested.
Never Been Kissed
A history teacher takes his job way too seriously and spends his vacations stealing from museums.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
A guy finds a cool new pet but ignores the instructions and turns his town into a horror movie.
A woman with amazing hair decides to leave home for the first time, only to fall for a criminal.
A group of people with superpowers keeps arguing over whether they should wear matching outfits or not.
A woman ditches her wedding so many times that an entire town make fun of her for it.
Runaway Bride
Aliens show up, and instead of talking to us, they start wrecking everything just for fun.
War of the Worlds.
A teenager's entire existence is threatened because his mom thinks he's hot.
Back to the Future
A man spends years collecting toys, only to have them stolen by a greedy chicken.
Toy Story 2
A family of four with powers goes into hiding but is terrible at staying undercover.
The Incredibles
A woman spends her entire life writing about her chaotic life and still somehow ends up with Colin Firth.
Bridget Jones's Diary
A divorced dad kidnaps his own kids, and instead of calling the cops, his ex just lets them hang out with a pirate.