What series of boxing films are set in Philadelphia?
The "Rocky" Movies
Pennywise the clown appears in which film?
What holiday movie tells the story of a man who leaves the North Pole to find his father?
What movie is named after the ship that tragically sunk in 1912?
"The Titanic"
What is the name of the lion in the "Narnia" movies?
("The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," etc.)
In "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade," what notorious historical figure gives Jones his autograph, even though Jones hates him?
What 1970's film included a scene with an attack at a New York beach?
In what movie does a golfer join a pro-tournament in order to save his grandmother's house?
"Happy Gilmore"
What movie includes the legendary pro-wrestler Andre the Giant, a six-fingered man, and ROUS's?
What is the name of the half-giant's pet dog in "Harry Potter?"
What movie opens with scenes of American soldiers in combat during D-Day?
"Saving Private Ryan"
What horror movie is also the name of a carpentry tool?
In what movie does an awkward high school student and his friend decide to run for class president?
"Napoleon Dynamite"
What movie is about a high society Russian woman and the love triangle she gets entangled in?
"Anna Karenina"
Name all of the symbols on the Hogwarts School Crest in "Harry Potter."
Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw
Liam Neeson plays the father out to rescue his kidnapped daughter in what one-word-title movie?
What 1963 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock dealt with people being hunted by wildlife?
"The Birds"
What movie is based around a silly holiday where a man gets trapped in a rural, Pennsylvania town?
"Groundhog Day"
What movie is about an elderly man reading a love story to an elderly woman with dementia?
"The Notebook"
In "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King," What does Pippin see when he looks into the Palantir stone?
The white tree in Minas Tirith on fire
Name any two actors who played James Bond in at least one of the James Bond movies.
What film, based on a Stephen King novel, is about a famous author trapped by an obsessed fan?
In what movie does a woman from a Greek family make a career change that alters her life in more ways than she expected?
"My Big Fat Greek Wedding"
In what movie does Edmond Dantes get falsely imprisoned on an island for 14 years, before escaping to get revenge and win back his true love?
Aragog ("Harry Potter")
Shelob ("Lord of the Rings")