What's a word that describes Belonging?
Attached, Loving, Friendly, Intimate, Trusting
What's a word that can describe Mastery?
Autonomous, Confident, Responsible, Inner Control, Self-Discipline, Leadership
What's a word that can describe Generosity?
Caring, Sharing, Loyal, Pro-Social, Empathic, Supportive
What's a word that describes Independence?
Autonomous, Confident, Responsible, Inner Control, Self-Discipline, Leadership
What colors are in the circle of courage?
Black, Red, White, Yellow
What is Belonging?
This means being part of a community. In other words, feeling connected and being part of something
What is Mastery?
Means to have the ability to demonstrate skills & knowledge, to set & achieve goals, and the ability to manage emotions by using healthy coping skills.
What is Generosity?
Means to help others by sharing talents, expressing gratitude and being compassionate.
What is Independence?
This means to have the ability to make decisions, solve problems, and show personal responsibility. To have skills and tools to use in a time of need, and the ability to express feelings and opinions
What is the circle of courage?
The Connections Organization uses the Circle of Courage because it is proven to be a successful method with working with students. It integrates research on positive youth development with the best of positive thought, professional wisdom, and educational practice. We are all wired to need the 4 quadrants of the Circle of Courage and at Connections, we foster a safe learning environment for these areas.
A part of Belonging is having a sense of community, how can you be a positive part of your home community?
A part of Mastery is to recognize your feelings and emotions and make choices that will help you get to the Green Zone. What are the other Zones of Regulation
Blue, Yellow, Red
A part of Generosity is sharing. How can you share your items with your peers, while being following out school expectations?
When a peer requested an item that you were using, you can share the item by asking staff if it okay to share the item. If yes, then give the peer the item to use or enjoy, just as you did. If no, then use your social steps to accept a "no" answer
A part of Independence is helping yourself regulate. What are some coping skills someone can use to help regulate?
Quiet break at the desk
Dark break
Ipod break
Drawing or Journaling
Tearing up paper
Sensory Tools
What are the four parts of the circle of courage?
Mastery, Generosity, Belonging, Independence
Where can you show belonging?
class, school, town, and groups you are in like sports, scouts, dance, chess, and work
Where can you show Mastery?
Work, school, home, sports/clubs, when frustrated
Where can you show Generosity?
class, school, town, and groups you are in like sports, scouts, dance, chess, and work
Where can we show Independence?
Where can you use the Circle of Courage?
How do you show Belonging?
You can work together to achieve a goal. To share with others. To do something nice for someone.
How do you show Mastery?
demonstrate skills & knowledge, to set & achieve goals, and the ability to manage emotions by using healthy coping skills.
How can you show Generosity?
sharing talents, volunteering, sharing, expressing gratitude and being compassionate.
How can you show Independence?
to have the ability to make decisions, solve problems, and show personal responsibility. To have skills and tools to use in a time of need, and the ability to express feelings and opinions
What culture did the Circle of Courage come from?
Native American