Who should I tell if a stranger tries to talk to me?
Parents or teacher
Can I trust someone I have never met if they say they are part of my family?
This is the amount of space we keep between our body and others.
Personal Space.
How often do we see acquaintances?
Sometimes, not very often.
Is a custodian a community helper?
Yes! They help the school stay clean.
What is a stranger?
Someone you do not know or see around frequently.
What kind of hug can we give family?
A two handed hug, facing them.
Who chooses how big your personal space is?
You do!
Name an example of an acquaintance.
Person you see in class, in the halls, at the store, even family you haven't seen in a while.
What does a firefighter do?
They put out fires and help people in medical emergencies.
Do we hug strangers?
Mom, dad, sister, brother, cousin etc.
Who knows what YOU think, feel, and need?
You do!
How physically close do we get to acquaintances?
At least 1 arm's length or 3ish feet.
What kind of hug can we give community helpers?
A side hug
Should I share my phone number, email address or passwords with a stranger?
No, that's not safe.
Complete the phrase: My body, ___ choice.
What personal information can I share with an acquaintance?
My name
Name an example of a community helper.
Teacher, bus driver, police officer, fire fighter etc.
What should I do if someone online asks for my personal information?
Tell a family member or a community helper
Just because they are related to you (such as an aunt), do you have to hug them?
It's your own personal space - your space, your boundaries.
Where do you see acquaintances?
In class, in the hallway, on the sports team, etc.
Can I give my personal information to a community helper?
Yes, they are safe people to share personal information with.