Uniform Circular Motion
Mathematics of Circular Motion
Kepler's Laws
Satellite Motion

This is time it takes for an object to go around a circle one time. 

What is the period?


This is the feature of the circular path the object travels along. 

What is the circumference? 


This is the man responsible for coming up with the idea of universal gravitation. 

Who is Isaac Newton? 


According to Kepler's first law, this is the shape of the path the planets make around the sun. 

What is an ellipse? 


Since satellites are only influenced by gravity, they are in this state. 

What is free fall?


This is the direction of the velocity at any point along a circular path. 

What is tangent? 

This is the period of an object that makes 50 revolutions in 25 seconds. 

What is 0.5 seconds?


The force of gravity is directly proportional to this value. 

What is the mass of either object?


 Which is stronger, Earth's pull on the Moon, or the Moon's pull on the Earth?

a - Earth's pull harder

b - moon harder on the Earth

c- pull on each other equally



Two forces produce the same torque.  Does it follow that they have the same magnitude? 



This is the direction of the acceleration of an object moving in a circle?

What is inward/toward the center of the circle?


For an object being twirled in a vertical circle on a string, these are the forces that act as the centripetal force when the object is at the top of the circle. 

What are tension and gravity? 


The force of gravity is inversely related to the square of this value. 

What is the distance between the two objects?


Which one of Kepler's laws states that this ratio (T2/R3) is the same for each planet that orbits the sun. 

What is Kepler's third law


This is the shape of the orbit in which the satellite travels at a constant speed at a constant distance from the massive body. 

What is circular?


This is the definition of uniform circular motion.

What is when an object moves in a circle at a constant speed?


This is the net force of a 5kg object moving at 7m/s in a circle that has a radius of 10m. 

What is 24.5N?


What is the magnitude of the torque produced by a 4 N force applied to a door at a perpendicular distance of .22 m from the hinge?

.88 Nm


This is the law that describes the speed of the planets as they orbit the sun. 

What is the second law/the law of equal areas?


You drive too fast around a curve and the car starts to skid.  What is the centripetal force needed to keep the car moving in a circular motion?

What is friction


This is the force or combination of forces that causes an object to move in a circle.

What is centripetal force?


If you were loosening a bolt and you needed to increase the torque to free a stuck bolt, what could you do to increase the torque on the bolt?

Increase the length of the lever arm

Increase the force on the lever arm

Apply the force perpendicular to the lever arm.


This is what happens to the force of gravity when the masses of each object double and the distance between the object doubles. 

What is nothing/stays the same?


An ellipse has two of these. 

What are foci?


When a satellite is furthest from the massive body it orbits, this is low

What is speed?