

Centripetal Acceleration
Centripetal Force

Universal Law of Gravity and Planetary Motion
An oval curve with two foci - the shape of the obit of planets
What is and Ellipse
Responsible for the Three Laws of Planetary Motion
Who is Johannes Kepler
Centripetal Acceleration on a bobber whirling around your head is produced by
Tension in a string
The force required for a car to negotiate a flat curve is
Frictional Force
Kepler's three laws of Planetary motion are
1) Planets orbit in ellipses 2) for equal t's, equal areas are covered as a planet orbits the sun 3) T^2/r^3 for all known planets
The apparent outward force acting on a rotating body
What is a centrifugal force
Responsible for saying that every point mass attracts every other point mass in the universe
Who is Sir Isaac Newton
The equation for centripetal acceleration is
ac = v^2/r
Centripetal Force is always directed
Toward the center of the motion
The equation for the force between two objects is (Newton's universal law of gravitation)
F = GMm/r^2
Any force or combination of forces that produces centripetal acceleration
What is a centripetal force
The last naked eyed astronomer who had very accurate data on planetary motion
Who is Tycho
Centripetal acceleration is always directed toward
The center of motion
The equation for centripetal force is
F = m v^2/r or F = m ac
Two objects having mass M = 2kg and m = 3 kg are separated by a distance of 6 meters. What is the force felt between them?
1.1 x 10^-11 N.
The time it takes for one complete revolution
What is the period
Responsible for determining the universal gravitation constant to be 6.67 x 10^-11 Nm^2/kg^2.
Who is Henry Cavendish
A 2 kg hula hoop with a radius of 0.5 m is spinning with a speed of 5 m/s. What is the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the hula hoop?
50 m/s^2
The centrifugal force is the apparent force felt by say water in a bucket spinning in circles. However, _________ is actually responsible for the force felt on the water in the bucket.
What is Inertia
Why do we not feel the force attracting each of us to each other?
Because G is such a very small number and we are such very small beings that the F between us is also very small that it is not noticeable.
A straight line from the center of a circle or sphere to its outer edge
What is the radius
The 4 Physics teachers at BPHS
Who are C, Q, H, and D
A ferris wheel with a radius of 11 m makes one complete rotation every 12 seconds. What is the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the Ferris wheel.
3.02 m/s^2
A person with a mass of 50 kg is riding on the outside edge of a merry-go-round. The merry-go-round makes one trip around every 10 seconds and has a radius of 5m to the rider. What is the centripetal force experienced by the rider?
98.7 Newtons
If Planet Y has a distance of 5 AU from the sun and takes 4 years to travel around it once, how long would it take for Planet X to travel around the sun if it was 3 AU from the sun?
1.15 Years.