The Heart
Blood Vessels
Heart Rate/Blood Pressure
Oxygen and Nutrient Movement

What is a double-loop system?

A double-loop system is the continuous process of blood pumping


What connects the heart to the rest of the body?

Blood vessels connect the heart to the rest of the body.


What is an artery?

An artery is a blood vessel that transports blood away from the heart.


What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the force or pressure of when blood it hitting the walls of blood vessels.


What organs transport oxygen and nutrients?

The organs that transport oxygen and nutrients are blood vessels. 


What are the 4 components of blood?

The 4 components of blood are plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.


What organ (also a muscle) pumps blood throughout the body?

The organ that pumps blood throughout the body is the heart.


What blood vessels can be thought of as connecting arteries and veins?

Capillaries are the blood vessel that can be thought of as connecting arteries and veins.


What is a regular/average heart rate aka bpm?

A average beats per minute is around 120 or less.


What gas do red blood cells transport?

The gas transported by red blood cells is oxygen.


What blood cell helps fight off infections?

The type of blood cell that helps fight off infections are white blood cells


How many parts does the heart have and what are they?

The heart has four different parts, the right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, and left ventricle.


What type of blood vessel can be considered connective to arteries and veins?

The connective type of that vessel to arteries and veins are capillaries.


Exercising and participating in physical activities makes your heart beat faster because your body needs more of what gas?

Exercising and participating in physical activities make your heart beat faster because your body needs more oxygen.


What organ is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to the body and picking up waste products?

The organ that is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to the body and picking up waste products are capillaries.


What is the component in blood that prevents blood clots and loss of blood from cuts or wounds?

The component in blood that prevents blood clots and loss of blood from cuts or wounds are platelets.


Why is the heart such an important organ?

The heart is an important organ because it pumps blood throughout the entire body which transports nutrients and oxygen.


Why do arteries have thick and muscular cell walls?

Arteries have thick and muscular cell walls to handle hugh pressure from the blood being pumped away from the heart.


When someone is resting and not doing activities, their heart rate it lower and it is called a ______ heart rate.

A resting heart rate.


What process allows oxygen to tranfer from blood over to the cells in the body?

The process that allows oxygen to tranfer from blood over to the cells in the body is diffusion


How does blood flow through the heart?

Receiving deoxygenated blood from the body into the right atrium, pumping it to the lungs via the right ventricle, then receiving oxygenated blood from the lungs back into the left atrium, and finally pumping the oxygenated blood to the rest of the body through the left ventricle.


How does the blood flow through the chambers of the heart? 

Receiving deoxygenated blood from the body into the right atrium, pumping it to the lungs via the right ventricle, then receiving oxygenated blood from the lungs back into the left atrium, and finally pumping the oxygenated blood to the rest of the body through the left ventricle and


What blood vessel carries deoxygenated blood to the heart. 

The blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood to the heart are the veins.


What does the term high blood pressure mean?

High blood pressure is when the force against your blood vessels from the blood is strong.


What organ releases carbon dioxide from the blood?

The organ that releases carbon dioxide from the blood is the lungs.