The Heart
Veins and Arteries
Heart/blood pressure
Oxygen and nutrient movement

What are white blood cells? 

White blood cells are the body's defense team,fighting off germs and infections by identifying and destroying them.


What happens with the heart rate during and immediately after period of physical activity?

The heart rate gets faster 


What is the general difference between arteries and veins?

Arteries carry blood away from the heart.And veins carry blood to the heart.


What does red blood cells do?

They are tiny cells that looks red because they contain a protein called hemoglobin, which grabs oxygen from your lungs and delivers it to the rest of your body 


What happens to the oxygen in blood when it leaves the heart?

It goes to waste.


Were does the oxygenated start and where does it end?

The oxygenated blood starts from the capillaries and it ends at the superior vanacava 


Where does the deoxygenated blood and oxygenated blood starts and end?

The deoxygenated blood starts at the inferior ventricle and ends at the pulmonary ardires.The oxygenated blood starts starts at the inferior and ends at the capillaries 


Were does the oxygenated blood go and were does the deoxygenated blood go?

The deoxygenated blood enters the heart and the oxygenated blood travels through the body.


What happens with the breathing rate during and immediately after period of physical activity?

it gets faster and the heart rate gets faster to 


What are two activities that you participate in that might increase heart rate?



were does the deoxygenated blood start from the heart and were does it end?

It starts at the inferior ventricle and ends at the Pulminairy Ardies


What are platelets? 

Platelets are small cell fragrance that clumps together to farm a clot when you get a cut,preventing too much blood from leaking out.


What happens to the oxygen in the blood when it leaves the heart?

It goes to the waste part.


What creates blood pressure?

The force with which ventricle of the heart contracts is what creates blood pressure


In the lungs,what waste product does deoxygenated blood exchange for more oxygen?

The veins.


Where does the blood go?

The blood moves from the heart to the lungs and then back to the heart again before it is transported out of the body.Blood moving through the vessel.

What is plasma? 
think of plasma like the watery part of blood where all the other blood cells float around. It carry's important things like nutrients and proteins through about the body

Which ventricle of the heart contracts is what...?

Creates blood pressure 


What does red blood cells do?

They are tiny cells that looks red because they contain a protein called hemoglobin, which grabs oxygen from your lungs and delivers it to the rest of your body


What are two activities that might decrease your rate of respiration?

Holding the breath and resting 


What are the components that make up human blood and what are their functions?

Plasma,cells,platelets,plasma-water lipids,protein,salt.Cells-red blood transport cell. Platelets-cellur fragrance


What happens with the breathing rate during immediately after period of physical activity 

It gets a little faster also


What is a major function of coronary arteries and coronary?

Supply oxygenated blood to the heart muscle 


What makes your heart slow down?

Resting with no exercise 


What are two activities that might increase your rate of respiration?

Pushups and jumping jacks