Blood Types 🐧
The Heart🐧
Veins and Arteries 🐧
Heart Rate🐧
Oxygen/Nutrient Movement🐧

What does blood carry throughout the circulatory system?

It transports hormones, nutrients, and gasses.


What are heart valves?

Heart valves are like tubes that let blood flow through your heart. 

how many layers do veins have?

veins have three layers


how can you check your heart rate?

you can put your two fingers just below your chin or two fingers below the palmof your hand on your wrist and wait for 60 seconds while counting your heart beats. 


how long can the average person hold their breath?

20 seconds - 2 minutes 


What are red blood cells?

Red blood cells are found in bone marrow. These carry oxygen throughout the body from your lungs.


What is the part of the heart where the blood enters? (only one part) 

inferior vena cava, superior vena cava 


What is the difference between arteries and veins? 

veins carry blood to the heart while arteries carry blood away from the heart and to the rest of the body.


what happens to your heart rate when you sit down for a while or sleep?

it will decrease.


how does oxygen get to your lungs?

when you open your mouth or your nose and take in air and it goes down your windpipe and into your lungs.


What are white blood cells?

White blood cells are the body's defense team, fighting off germs and infections by identifying them and destroying them.


What is the Aorta (part of the heart)

It carries blood from the heart and to the rest of the body. 


how many veins connect to the heart?

two large veins aka the superior and inferior vena cava.


what happens to your heart rate when you run or exercise?

your heart rate will increase.


what does a concentration gradient do in nutrient movement?

it transports/ directs the nutrients from an area of high concentration, to an area of low concentration.


What are Platelets? 

Platelets are small cell fragments that clump together to form a clot when you get a cut, preventing too much blood from leaking out.

what is the left and the right atrium? 

left atrium- takes rich oxygen blood and pumps it out of the heart and to the lungs 

right atrium- takes low oxygen blood and pumps it into the right ventricle


how many arteries connect to the heart?

two main arteries connect to the heart called the right and left corinary artery.


what is the abreveation for a heart beat? 


what is nutrient movement?

nutrient movemnet is when proteins and minerals are moved into the blood stream to help with a cells and tissues, and to help them function.


What is plasma? 

Plasma is the watery part of blood where all the other blood cells float around. It carries important things like nutrients and proteins throughout the body.

what are pulmomary veins?

when blood vessels carry rich-oxygen blood from your lungs to your heart.


what can happen if an artery or vein is blocked from its path?

it can make someone have a heart attack or stroke. 


what is a considered resting heart rate and a working heart rate?

low- 60-100

high- 100-150


what happens when oxygen enters the blood stream? 

the oxygen would attach itsself to a protein, which is called hemoglobin,which is around red blood cells. Then it is delivered to the rest of the body, mainly cells where it will be used for cellular processes.