8.1 - Supply Chain Mgt
8.2 Customer Relationship Management
9.1 SDLC
Emerging Trends and Technologies
9.2 Project Management

An unfilled customer order for a product that is out of stock.

What is a back order?


A person or company that is unknown to your business.

What is a lead?


The process of transferring information from a legacy system to a new system.

What is conversion?


A kind of society is being created by the growth in information industries.

What is a knowledge-dependent global society?


A temporary activity undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.

What is a project?


A distorted product-demand information ripples from one partner to the next throughout the supply chain.

What is the bullwhip effect?


McDonald’s performs this when it asks customers if they would like to super-size their meals?

What is up-selling?


This document prioritizes all of the business requirements by order of importance to the company.

What is a requirements definition document?


A type of artificial intelligence that enables computers both to understand concepts in the environment and to learn.

What is machine learning?


Defines the how, what, when, and who regarding the flow of project information to stakeholders and is key for managing expectations.

What is a communication plan?


The ability to view all areas up and down the supply chain in real time.

What is supply chain visibility?


Allows customers to use the web to find answers to their questions or solutions to their problems.

What is web-based self-service


Intended for human reading and not machine reading.

What is pseudocode?


A self-managing computing model named after, and patterned on the human body.

What is an autonomic computing?


Any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result, or item that is produced to complete a project or part of a project.

What is a project deliverable?


Connects the plans, methods, and tools aimed at integrating separate enterprise systems.

What is enterprise application integration (EAI)?


Helps an organization identify its customers across applications.

What are CRM reporting technologies?


Internal reports that organize and categorize data for managerial perusal.

What are summary internal reports?


Software that carries out some set of operations on behalf of a user or another program with some degree of independence or autonomy and employs some knowledge or representation of the user’s goals or desires?

What is an Autonomous agent?


A measure of the practicality of a technical solution and the availability of technical resources and expertise.

What is technical feasibility?


Finds the optimum value for a target variable by repeatedly changing other variables.

What is operational analytics.


The primary users of ERP systems?

What are accounting, finance, logistics, and production?


Involves describing the desired features and operations of the system.

What is the design phase of SDLC?


A blend of the physical, virtual and electronic environments creating a real-time ambient environment.

What is ambient digital experience?


The individuals and organizations actively involved in the project or whose interests might be affected as a result of project execution or project completion.

What are project stakeholders?