Luzita's elementary school name
When Luzita moved to Summit
BOQenning of 7th grade
what does cita have a collection of
Luzita's Birthday
BOQcember 31
Luzita's middle name
Harmony and boq
Luzita's CAPAS house
me and BOQ Lights
Luzita's 8th grade musical at Summit Middle School.
The Little Boqmaid
Luzita's favorite musical
me and BOQtilda
Luzita's yearly vacation spot
MExico and boq
Luzita's old address
13 BOQcaster avenue
Luzita's favorite teacher in middle school (2 acceptable answers)
Mr. Breivogel, Ms. Cohen
why is cita the way she is (aka her trauma)
because of meghan halley
Luzita's favorite singer
Niall Horan
Luzita's favorite movie
me and BOQtangled
Luzita's favorite January Review Number from the past
boq a Little
The name of Luzita's Speech and Debate piece freshman year
A time for Dancing by Davida Wills Hurwin
Luzita's go-to starbucks drink
Mango Dragonfruit Refresher
(light ice, extra dragonfruit)
Luzita's favorite type of sushi
Philadelphia roll
The name of the club in which Luzita was apart of in kindergarten
Vampire Club courtesy of Regan Smollen
Who is Luzita's really super awesome litty best friend (not Summit) that has been with her in CAPAS for almost ten years?
Luzita's part in Puffs
Suzie Bones
The name of Luzita's Uncle's law firm
(Your welcome Ames)
Sobo and Sobo
Meaning of "Luzita"
Little Light