True or False?
A paraphrase is a retelling in an original way using new vocabulary and grammar facts, dates, information from a source.
Summary Technique: True or False?
It is possible to put an author's point of view or main message into an original sentence that captures an entire article.
Quote Choices
True or False?
An in-text citation for a direct quote will follow the " " and the period for the sentence will follow the in-text citation.
Example: "Worries are a waste of imagination" (Monge).
What's the correct in-text citation for this source:
Full Citation:
Johnson, Jared. "Poems for the Old." Rhyming Anthology, Harcourt, 2015, p. 26.
(Johnson 26).
"Cockalier Puppies." Forthcoming New Breeds, 2019,
www.dogsmart/, Accessed 25 Feb. 2020.
What's the correct in-text citation for this Full Citation?
True or False ?
A paraphrase does not need to be followed by an in-text citation if it does not include statistics.
False, it could include other types of information such as names, dates etc.
Summary Technique: True or False
In-text citations are not needed for summaries that do not include the original wording of the original author.
Quote Choices: True or False?
The majority of in-text citations in a research paper will follow direct quotations.
False. The majority of in-text citations will follow paraphrased information.
What's the correct in-text citation for this Full Citation?
Nye, William. "Measuring Tools." Bill Nye the Science Guy. 2014, PBS Kids,, Accessed 25 Dec. 2019.
What is the correct in-text citation for this Full Citation?
Morning Thunder. Breadlines Press, 2018, p.35.
(Morning 35).
True or False?
If several pieces of information from one source are provided in one sentence following another in a paragraph, only one in-text citation is needed for that source at the end of the paragraph?
Summary Technique: True or False
Inserting an in-text citation at the end of a summary sentence acknowledges that the idea shared was put forward first by someone other than the person writing the paper.
Quote Choices: True or False
Keep quotes short and exact. If words are omitted or changed it is not a quote.
What is the correct in-text citation for this Full Citation?
Simmons, Felicia, and Burt Crystal. "Gabriel Garcia Marquez: a Biography". South American Journal, v. 5, issue 2, JSTOR,, Accessed 29 March 2020.
(Simmons and Crystal).
What's the correct in-text citation for this Full Citation?
"The Only Way to Freedom." The Hartford Courant, 24 January 2020, sec. A, col. 2, EbscoHost,, Accesssed 15 Feb. 2020.