What is the format for a single author in an in-text citation?
(Author's Last Name, Year)
In APA, where does the date appear in an in-text citation?
The date appears right after the author's name, e.g., (Author's Last Name, Year)
What is the correct format for quoting a source with fewer than 40 words?
Incorporate the quote into your text and include the author, year, and page number: "quote" (Author's Last Name, Year, p. Page Number).
What does it mean to paraphrase a source?
To restate the original text in your own words while retaining the original meaning.
How do you cite a source with three to five authors the first time?
List all authors, e.g., (Author1, Author2, & Author3, Year).
How do you cite a work by two authors in-text?
(Author1's Last Name & Author2's Last Name, Year)
How do you cite a source with no publication date?
Use "n.d." for "no date" (Author's Last Name, n.d.)
How do you cite a source when quoting a passage that is 40 words or more?
Use a block quote format without quotation marks and place the citation after the quote.
How do you properly cite a paraphrase in APA format?
Include the author's last name and the year, e.g., (Author's Last Name, Year).
What is the proper in-text citation format for a source with six or more authors?
Use the first author's last name followed by "et al." e.g., (Author1 et al., Year).
How should you format the author’s name if it has a suffix (like Jr. or Sr.)?
Include the suffix after the last name, e.g., (Smith Jr., Year)
What is the format for citing a source with a specific date (e.g., a blog post)?
Include the full date, e.g., (Author's Last Name, Year, Month Day)
What is the importance of including page numbers in direct quotes?
It helps the reader locate the exact source of the quote.
What are the key differences between quoting and paraphrasing?
Quoting uses the exact words of the source, while paraphrasing rephrases the ideas in your own words.
How should you format an in-text citation for an edited book with multiple authors?
Cite the author of the chapter, not the editors, e.g., (Author's Last Name, Year).
What is the correct way to cite a corporate author?
Use the full name of the organization as the author, e.g., (American Psychological Association, Year)
How do you cite multiple works by the same author published in the same year?
Answer: Use letters after the year, e.g., (Author's Last Name, Year; Author's Last Name, Year)
How do you cite a direct quote from a secondary source?
Cite the original author and then "as cited in" the secondary source, e.g., (Original Author, Year, as cited in Secondary Author, Year).
Is it necessary to include a page number when paraphrasing? Why or why not?
No, it is not required
If a work has multiple authors, how do you list them in subsequent citations?
For three to five authors, list all names; for six or more, use the first author's last name followed by "et al."
How do you handle an author with a title (e.g., Dr. or Professor) in an in-text citation?
Omit the title and use only the last name, e.g., (Doe, Year)
Explain how to cite a source with a retrieval date.
Indicate "Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL" when relevant, usually for non-static content.
If a quote is altered for clarity, how should it be indicated in the citation?
Use brackets to indicate alterations, e.g., "[clarification]" within the quote.
What are some strategies to effectively paraphrase a source?
Read the original text, take notes, rephrase in your own words, and compare to ensure accuracy.
Explain how to handle citations for two works by the same authors in the same year.
: Use letters with the year to differentiate, e.g., (Author's Last Name, Yeara; Author's Last Name, Yearb).