Kinds & Parts
Site & Situation
Services & Settlements
Struggles & Solutions

Another name for Downtown; where most economic activity takes place

What is the Central Business District? (CBD)


A model that states that cities grow from the CBD like a tree, with density decreasing the further settlement gets

What is the Concentric Zone Model? (Burgess model)


A mild climate

What is a good site?


Activity concerned with using resources, usually generalized to "services"

What is Tertiary activity?


A group prevented from participating in the benefits of society by an array of economic and/or social hardships

What is an underclass?


A city with over 10 million people

What is a Megacity?


A model in which distinct types of land-use find advantage in being close to constructions of similar types, and so the city grows in wedges out from the CBD

What is the Sector Model? (Hoyt)


In a hard-to-access mountain valley

What is a bad situation?


A service that is provided to customers who purchase it

What is a consumer service?


An effect that occurs because cities have fewer plants and more black surfaces than other areas?

What is the Urban Heat Island effect?


A zone of settlement outside the city proper, usually offering specialized services such as large shopping centers, gated communities, theme parks, etc.

What is an edge city?


A model in which the CBD is not the only major center of economic and cultural activity, so different uses of land appear based on their appropriateness to the centers they are near, such as hotels and tourist shops near a major airport

What is the Multiple Nuclei model? (Harris and Tillman)


Little access to fresh water

What is a bad site?


The maximum distance a person is willing to travel for a service

What is the Range?


A city planning philosophy that seeks to rectify damage done to cities, largely by reducing car use

What is New Urbanism?


A city that is larger than the rank-size rule would suggest

What is a Primate City?


A theory that states that urban land is going to be used by whichever economic sector is willing to pay the most, and the amounts those sectors are willing to pay goes down at different rates as one moves further from the CBD

What is the Bid-Rent Theory?


On the coast of an important sea for trade

What is a good situation?


A theory that states that people will come to recieve a service from a hinterland, usually shaped in models as a rectangle

What is Central Place Theory?


The transition over time of old, large, expensive houses into cheaper, converted apartments as original residents move to the suburbs?

What is filtering?


A clustered, non-rural but low-density settlement at the edge of a metropolitan area, beyond the suburbs

What is an Exurb?


A way to describe the way that population density changes over space as one moves further from the CBD

What is a Density Gradient?


Productive iron mines in the middle of the desert

What is a good site and bad situation?


A model that states the push and pull of population density will cause businesses to "fall" into locations that maximize potential customers while minimizing travel time for those customers

What is the Gravity Model?


The transformation of a place from catering to lower-income people to middle- and upper-income people

What is Gentrification?