Botes and van Rensburg

What are the 3 categories of outcomes based on the 8 levels of Citizen Participation?

  1. Citizen power

  2. Tokenism

  3. Non-Participation 


Which approach is this? 

The immediate resolution of a development problem is LESS important than the way in which the process of problem-solving is taking place.

Process MORE important than Product


According to Carpentier (2011b), What are the two extreme (intensity) forms of citizen participation?

1. Minimalist, participation in media production and dissemination

2. Maximalist, participation as influence in decision-making


What are the two main participatory design tools discussed?

1. Social media 

2. Digital narratives


Describe the difference between Citzien Participation when it is Non-Particitory and when it has Degrees Citizen Power.

What are the levels of knowledge exchange, power, and outcome between the two?

Non-Participation: Power holders control all information sharing, citizens are typically in the dark, which leaves little to no room for well-informed activism and opportunity for change.

Citizen Power: Powerholders and Citizens proportionally share responsibilities to inform, influence, and make community decisions.


What are factors that influence community participation?

culture, history, government policy, social, political and economic structures


What are the 3 questions that guide the article to conceptualize how Indigenous people’s ideas are being heard and accepted?

1. How is the shifting media landscape providing opportunities for Indigenous Australians to voice opinions about policy development?

2. Do growing opportunities for online voice enable political participation?

3. What are the potential constraints on political participation in mediatized policy-making contexts? 


Why is climate change a socio-ecological problem? Give an example that reflects this.  

Climate change is affected by both environmental and social conditions. 

Example: Urban Heat Island effect intensified by changes in weather patterns affecting vulnerable populations more since they have less access to air conditioning, shelter, and adequate water. 


What are some major barriers to implementing Citizen Participation in active community/city planning? 

Consider holdbacks from power holders, the have-nots ability to actively participate, the level of knowledge spread from the decision makers to the citizens, and etc.

- Lack of institutional, human, financial resources to autonomize high levels of community engagement and citizen participation.

- Having reliance on government funding to mobilize citizen lead decisions

- Too many buffers between power holders and citizens, intentionally placed, to deter citizens from requesting change and their involvement in it.


Community participation is worthwhile and can help improve the living conditions of low-income communities. But, since it can also be used to their disadvantage, the poor are often well-advised to limit their involvement. Gilbert (1987, p. 75)

What are 2 plagues and 2 commandments that impact this statement the most and why?

2 plagues… Conflicting interest groups within end-beneficiary communities and Gatekeeping by local elites

2 commandments… Demonstrate an awareness of their status as outsiders to the beneficiary community and the potential impact of their involvement and listen to community members, especially the more vulnerable, less vocal and marginalized groups.


What are factors that reduced influence of Indigenous Australians in the two movements?

- The voices of indigenous people are diverse. However, people often only pay attention to the voices of indigenous representatives and mass media, ignoring the opposition among indigenous people

- Government and other people think that things like recognize movement are more important, but indigenous people consider that some aboriginal issues such as illegal imprisonment and land justice should be solved first

- Government did not provide enough funds and opportunities for indigenous oppositions

- The mainstream media shifted the contradiction of the protest to the impact on urban traffic, while ignoring the reasons behind the protest


What is unique about youth-generated content regarding community resilience planning?

  • Focus on social aspects 

  • Interest in community building 

  • Focus on local and regional, rather than global weather patterns 

  • Suggestions of new (or re-imagined) ideas and solutions