The flag has three colors
What is red, white and blue
The original 13 colonies are by this ocean
What is the Atlantic Ocean
The Declaration of Indepenence was signed in this year
What is 1776
The Supreme Law of the Land
What is the Constitution
Sets up our government
What is the Constitution
The flag has 13 red and white stripes repesenting this.
What are the 13 original colonies
This state borders Mexico
What is Texas
They told the King of England they wanted independence
What are the 13 colonies
We the people...
What are the first 3 words of the Constitution
The three branches of government
What is Legislative, Executive and Judicial
The stars in the field of blue represent this.
What are the 50 states
The two largest rivers in the US
What is the Missouri River and the Mississippi River
The King of England in 1776
Who is King George III
An addition to the Constitution
What is an amendment
The two parts of congress
What is the Senate and the House of Representatives
This president chose the colors of the US flag
Who is George Washington
This is the capital of the US
Washington DC
The reason for the Declaration of Independence
What are taxes without representation
The first ten amendements to the Constitution
What is the Bill of Rights
What is the Executive Branch
The promise to be loyal to the US flag and country
What is the Pledge of Alligiance
The Statue of Liberty represents this
What is American Freedom
According the Declaration of Independence we all are created equal and all have these rights
What is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
Stops one branch of government to become too powerful
What is checks and balances
Constitutes the Judicial Branch
What is the Supreme Court and the Federal Courts