Branch Jobs
3 Branches of Government
Bill of Rights

What is the main responsibilities of the Judicial Branch?

To interpret the laws, make sure laws are constitutional. 


Who makes up the Executive Branch?

Who are The President and The Cabinet 


What is the Bill of Rights?

What are the First 10 Amendments of the Constitution.


What are the two main ways to be a U.S. Citizen by birth?

What are Born in the US and Both parents are citizens.


For the President of the United States, what does Veto mean?

What is to refuse or reject a bill.


Define Checks and Balances

What is the system for government that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other two branches.


What is the highest court in the US?

What is the Supreme Court.


What are two protections that are guaranteed under the 5th Amendment?

What are Trial without indictment, Double Jeopardy, Self-Incrimination/Right to Remain Silent ("I Plead the Fifth").


Name one of the three groups of people given citizenship after 1860.

What are African Americans, Native Americans, and Asian Americans.


Who benefitted from the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan?

What is Larger states benefitted from the Virginia Plan whereas Smaller states benefitted from the New Jersey Plan.


What are two responsibilities of the Executive Branch? 

What are carry out laws/sign them, Commander and Chief of the Military, Make Treaties, appoint ambassadors/Supreme Court Justices, Grant Pardons to Convicted Criminals.


What are the two different houses of Congress?

House of Representatives and Senate


What freedoms are guaranteed by the 2nd and 3rd Amendments?

What are Right to Bare Arms and Protections against a soldier from living in your home without consent.


What is one of the three rights only US Citizens have? (Not just US residents)

What are the Right to vote, right to run for political office, right to serve on a jury.


After a bill is created or drafted, where does it go?

What is the Bill goes to committee, debate, voted, then to the other house.

What are two jobs/responsibilities of the Legislative Branch?

What are Make Bills/Laws, Balance Power, Override Vetoes, Raise an Army or Navy, Approve how to spend tax money, approve treaties, impeach the president.


How many judges are on the US Supreme Court?

What is 9 Judges.


What does the 4th Amendment give us protections against?

Unreasonable Search and Seizure of Property without a warrant.


Name one of the four groups of people who were given the right to vote after 1860.

What are African Americans (1870), Women (1920), Native Americans (1947), and 18 year olds.


What was stated in the 3/5ths Clause?

What is all enslaved Africans were viewed as 3/5ths of a regular person when figuring out state representation and population.


Name two ways that each branch checks the others.

Legislative: Can Override Vetos, Approves Supreme Court Appointees

Executive: Veto Laws, appoints judges

Judicial: Can declare laws unconstitutional, can declare acts of the president unconstitutional

How many Senators does each state have? How are a state's representatives determined?

2 Senators, state's representatives are determined by state population.


What are the 5 freedoms guaranteed by the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights?

What are Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, and Petition.


Name 3 of the 6 requirements to become a Naturalized Citizen.

What are 1) At least 18 years old, 2) Permanent Resident for 5 Years, 3) Have Good Character, 4) Speak English, 5) Pass a Civics Test and Interview, 6) Oath of Allegiance.

What freedoms or rights are guaranteed by the 13th, 15th, and 19th Amendments?

What are the Abolishment of Slavery, No discrimination of voting based on race, and no discrimination based on sex.