The Sovereignty of HK
National Security
Political Structure
Identity, Rights and Responsibility
Random Questions

Name the 3 unequal treaties.

The Treaty of Nanking

The Convention of Peking

The Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory


Name 5 aspects of national security.

  • Territorial security
  • Social security
  • Economic security
  • Cyber security
  • Technological security
  • Ecological security
  • Public health security

What does Article 1 of the Basic Law say?

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China.


What do we call people who are eligible to obtain a Hong Kong resident identity card in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, but have no right of abode?

Non-permanent residents


What are the assessments of the CS curriculum?

Written paper

Mainland Study Tour


When was the Sino-British Joint Declaration signed?

19 December 1984


Who has the duty to consciously maintain national security?

Every Chinese citizen


What are the dual roles of the Chief Executive of HKSAR government?

The Chief Executive shall be the head of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the head of the Government of the HKSAR.


Which article in the Basic Law gives citizens the right to vote and the right to be elected?

Article 26

In which year was CS first implemented?

2021-2022 academic year


Who/Which organ has the power to appoint CE and principal officials in HKSAR?

The Central Government


What has China done to raise awareness of national security among its people?


The National Security Law of the People’s Republic of China was legislated.

The National Security Education Day (15 April every year) was set up.


Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region took effect.


What are the basic policies of the PRC regarding the political structure of Hong Kong in relation to the principle of “One Country, Two Systems”?

Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong

High degree of autonomy


What are the basic obligations of Hong Kong residents?

To abide by the laws 

To uphold the rule of law and order


What is the difference between Quality of Life and standard of living?

Quality of life - general satisfaction, can include material life and non-material life

Standard of living - mostly measures material life


Which principle/system was adopted to administer Hong Kong under the Basic Law?

"One Country, Two Systems"


Name two different activities implemented on the National Security Education Day in 2022 in Hong Kong.

Large-scale advertisements, banners, buntings etc. were placed in various districts for promoting “National Security Education Day 2022”.

"Wonders of the Stars" is the first children picture book created locally to promote the "National Security Education Day".


How many seats are there in the following constituencies of Legislative Council?

Election Committee

Functional Constituency

Geographical Constituency

Election Committee (40 seats)

Functional Constituency (30 seats)

Geographical Constituency (20 seats)


What is the crucial mechanism for safeguarding the spirit of the rule of law?

Judicial independence


Discuss the importance of CS to the development of younger generation in Hong Kong?

You know it!


Who/Which organ has the power to form the organs of political powers in HKSAR?

National People's Congress


What is the significance of safeguarding China's national security to Hong Kong?

  • National security is an inseparable system, and every element is interrelated and affects each other. The country as a whole, and national security is also as a whole, inseparable from each other. 
  • Understanding the overall national security concept will help us further understand the motherland, the significance and importance of national security, and how to contribute to the maintenance of national security.
  • Without a country, there is no home. China is our motherland, and Hong Kong is our homeland. National security protects our homeland. Maintaining national security also safeguards our homeland.

Why are public servants of the HKSAR required to take an oath to swear allegiance to the HKSAR of the PRC?

According to the Basic Law, public servants of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region must be dedicated to their duties and be responsible to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It is a statutory requirement.

They swear to uphold the Basic Law and bear allegiance to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, making a solemn promise to society and manifesting their loyalty and commitment to the Basic Law and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and thus enhance the public confidence in public servants.


When exercising these freedoms, why is it necessary to abide by legal restrictions?

People may easily be self-righteous, and only consider their rights while ignoring national security, the principle of “one country, two systems”, and the rights and interests of other people and the society as whole. This would easily threaten national security, and the society would fall into chaos and bring out negative impact, which make other people unable to exercise their rights and freedoms. 

If these situations cannot be effectively stopped, freedoms and the rule of law would be empty talk. While, if only law-abidingness is emphasised regardless of people’s rights, the social environment would become harsh and demanding, which is detrimental to the progress and development of individuals and the whole society. 

Therefore, the enjoyment of rights and obedience of the law are both valued and need a balance in between.


Use a subject taught in Hogwarts to describe CS.

That really depends on how much you like HP