A person born in the united states
What is a us citizen
Uniform of the Day
The uniform your senior naval science instructor (SNSI) will direct you to wear on any given day is known as the
Executive Branch
executes and enforces laws
First Amendment
What is freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition?
Navy Core Values
What is Honor, Courage and Commitment
Citizenship is a reciprocal relationship: citizens owe the country loyalty and the country owes its citizens _______
Combination cap
What headgear is optional for officers and chiefs as part of their NJROTC uniform?
legislative branch
Creates laws and passes laws
Second Amendment
What is the right to bear arms
Cadet Motto
What is a cadet does not lie, cheat, or steal nor tolerates those that do?
What term is used to refer to the rights protecting private individuals from arbitrary or unfair government actions?
1/4 inch
How far above and centered on the pocket buttonhole are ribbons and the name tag worn parallel to the top of the male and female short Sleeve khaki shirt?
judicial branch
makes sure laws are constitutional and hears cases to give rulings
Fourth Amendment
What is Illegal search and seizure
Major Parima In
Who is your Senior Naval Science Instructor?
Spirit of association
What term is used to refer to the inclination of Americans to band together to confront problems of common interest?
Orienteering Ribbon Award
What ribbon award is one of the more demanding of the NJROTC awards given to the cadet who qualifies in required overland navigation by compass and map?
the Founding Fathers were influenced by the _______ heritage, which they believed was a method of instilling virtue.
Fifth Amendment
What is right to a trial by a grand jury, self-incrimination, double jeopardy and due process
Senior Chief Stanley Baxter
Who is your Naval Science Instructor
A good citizen views _______ as the price for public services.
Dark color inboard
What is the "Rule of Thumb" when wearing a ribbon with a dark color on one end and a light color on the other end?
Secretary of State
Who represents the United States?
Tenth Amendment
what is rights reserved to states or people?
Cadet Creed
What is (recite the creed)?