Birthright Citizen
Rule of Law

Javier was born in another country but has lived in the United States for many years. He loves living in the U.S. and wants to become a U.S. citizen. To do this, he has to meet certain requirements. First, he must have lived in the U.S. for at least five years. Then, he needs to pass a test that shows he understands U.S. history and government. He also has to prove that he can read, write, and speak English. Finally, Javier must take an oath, promising to be loyal to the United States.

What is the Naturalization process?


Let's say there’s a family where both parents are citizens of Country A, but their baby is born while they’re traveling in Country B.

What is law of blood?


I prefer a government of laws and not of men.” - John Adams?

What is the rule of law?


beliefs or actions that are seen as a benefit to the larger community rather than individual interests.?

What is common good?


The U.S. Constitution says that citizens must pay taxes, follow the laws, sign up for the draft, and serve on a jury when needed.

What is our duties or obligations?


Emily was born in the United States, so she is a U.S. citizen. When she turns 18, she’s excited because she can finally vote in the upcoming election.

What is one of the exclusive right of a US citizen? 


Imagine a couple from Country X who are traveling in Country Y. While they are there, they have a baby. Even though the parents are citizens of Country X, their baby is considered a citizen of Country Y.

What is law of soil?


It's the right of people accused of crimes to have laws that treat them fairly, so that they cannot lose their life or freedom without having their legal rights protected

 What is the due process?


By learning about the issues facing your local community or schools, you can also inform others. Making your voice heard about what is important to you as a member of the school or city helps your elected leaders know how best to represent you.

What is attending civic meetings?


Everyone residing in the United States, whatever their citizenship status, are required to adhere to the laws established at the national, state, and local levels. The responsibility of enforcing laws falls upon police officers and courts. When a person breaks the law, they face penalties or punishments, the severity of which is designed to match the severity of the specific law that was broken.

What is obeying laws?


Gisela has been living in the United States without permission for six years. She never told the U.S. immigration office when she arrived and doesn’t have a “green card.” She speaks and reads English very well, knows a lot about U.S. history, and follows the law, except for her green card issue.

What is an undocumented immigrant?


Imagine a baby is born in Country Z. The parents are from a different country, but because the baby was born in Country Z, the baby has the right to be a citizen of that country. What is this citizenship right called?

What is birthright citizenship?


In a neighborhood, some people start parking their cars on the sidewalk, blocking the way for others. This is against the law, but no one says anything because they don’t want to cause trouble. Then, one citizen, Maria, decides to speak up. She knows that following the law is important to keep things fair for everyone. Maria reports the problem to the local authorities and asks them to enforce the law. Because of her actions, the cars are moved, and the sidewalk is clear again.

 What is one way citizen can support the rule of law?


All levels of government, whether national, state, or local, have a direct impact on your life. Government sets policies and makes decisions that affect you, your loved ones, your community, your state, and the nation as a whole.

What is voting?


Sometimes you pay taxes without even realizing it. For instance, when you purchase items, sales tax is automatically added on. Likewise, when you work, your employer automatically deduct payroll taxes before giving you your paycheck. Other times taxes are a deliberate process, such as the requirement to file your income taxes every year. In either case, evading or otherwise failing to pay your taxes can carry penalties, including fines and prison time.

What is obligations.


Marco has followed all the steps to become a U.S. citizen. He filled out his application, passed the citizenship test, and had his interview. Now, he’s at the final step in the process. Marco goes to a special ceremony where he and other people who are becoming citizens...

 What is take the oath of allegiance?


Carlos’s mother was traveling to the United States on a visa when she suddenly went into labor right near the U.S. border. She was taken to a nearby hospital, where Carlos was born. What is Carlos's citizenship status?

U.S. Citizen


Imagine a small town where everyone follows the same rules, but one day, a person is accused of breaking the law by taking something that doesn’t belong to them. The town is unsure what to do, so they bring the case to the court. The court’s job is to listen to both sides of the story, look at the evidence, and then decide whether the person is guilty or not. If the court finds the person guilty, they make sure the person is fairly punished according to the law. If the person is innocent, the court protects them from being unfairly punished.

What role do courts play in the rule of law?


One of the rights listed in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is the right to petition your government for a redress of your grievances.

What is our responsibility?


To call jurors, courts will select names at random from among the lists of registered voters as well as those who hold a driver’s license issued by the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Citizens who receive a jury summons in the mail must report to the courthouse at the date and time listed in the summons. Failure to do so can result in fines or jail time. 

What is jury duty?


The amendment extended the rights and liberties granted by the Bill of Rights to formerly enslaved people, and granted citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the United States .

What is the Fourteenth Amendment?


 Leslie has been living in London, England for 10 years. Both of her parents were U.S. citizens when she was born. Even though Leslie lives in London. Why is she considered a U.S. citizen at birth?

Law of blood.


Imagine in a small village, a powerful government official tries to take land from a family without paying them. The family knows this isn’t fair, so they go to court. The court checks the law and decides that the official’s actions are illegal. Because of the rule of law, the court orders the official to stop and return the land to the family.

How can the rule of law limit the power of government officials?


Participating in civic life gives you the opportunity to play a role in helping fix the problems and challenges you see and care about. One way to do this is by giving your time and efforts to providing community service.

What is common good?


Congress could pass legislation calling up those who have registered for Selective Service to become active members in the armed force. Failure to register or serve can carry fines or prison time

What is selective service?