Despite its coat being white, this mammal's skin is black in order to help insulate and keep the animal warm.
Polar Bear
The Periodic Table has 118 of these on it, including hyrdrogen, oxygen, gold, xenon, and more.
In addition to its lungs, this animal also breathes through its skin.
Charged particles from solar winds that slow down when they reach our atmosphere and create incredible colored lights in the sky are called this.
A cob and a pen are the male and female names for this beautiful waterfowl, respectively.
The world's largest desert is on this continent, despite the unusual temperature there, because it gets less than 6 inches of rain per year.
This nectar-loving animal is the only one that can fly backwards and upside down!
Pick it up off the floor! Incredibly, this muscle is the most powerful in the entire human body, being able to exert 200 pounds of force!
The gender of this animal is determined by the temperature during the egg's incubation.
Sea Turtle
This unit, equivalent to approximately 3.26 light years, has a name derived from a portmanteau of “parallax in one second.”