"Hurricane Katrina? More like ________!"
What is Hurricane Tortilla.
This YFC leader kept a Black Widow as a pet in high school. It got on their hand one night at their house so they put the spider in a jar and fed it flies and bees for 3 months.
What is Nathan
Guess the celebrity:
"The Baddest Perra"
What is Louie's Life.
The story of an insect that falls in love with a human and end up flying an airplane to save the population of insects
What is The Bee Movie.
Finish the meme:
"Oh finally you're here (swear word), you got a dollar? so i can go get a _____"
What is "Slushie".
"I spilled lipstick in your _________."
What is Valentino bag.
This YFC leader was a band "Geek". They were in a world class marching band in middle school. They played "First trumpet" and traveled all around California and at the end of the year, they earned the "Rookie of the Year" award
What is Desteny
Guess the celebrity:
"Rise and shineEeE"
What is Kylie Jenner.
The story of a young girl who doesnt fit in with the rest of her neighbors, falls in love with an animal and becomes friends with inanimate objects
What is Beauty and the Beast
Guess the TikTok Trend:
Thrashers Sweaters, Hoops, Acrylic nails, Edges, Hot Cheetos
What is a Ghetto Hot Cheeto Girl.
Finish the Vine reference:
- "Omg Marlene, your speech was so good!"
- "oh i didnt even try it was like improve"
- "_________"
What is:
This YFC leader has 2 scars in their head. One scar was from running down the stairs, tripping on the doormat and hitting their head near the kitchen top. The other by playing with their sister, and getting hit by her too hard making her hit her head on the TV stand
What is Vasti
Guess the character:
"Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way."
What is Micheal Scott from The Office.
Popular athlete falls in love with pretty nerd and decide to audition for the upcoming musical at their school
What is High School Musical
Finish the TikTok song:
"why don't you say so?
Didn't even notice, no punches there to roll with
What is "You got to keep it focused, you want it, say so"
Finish the vine reference:
"Has anybody ever told you, you look like Beyonce?"
"no they usually say i look like ____"
What is Shalissa
This YFC leader doesn't like eating cereal with cold milk but with warm milk instead
What is Liz
Guess the Artist:
"Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy"
What is Justin Bieber.
Girl from foreign country moves to a high school in the US, befriends 3 popular girls and 2 loners
What is Mean Girls
Do the TikTok Dance:
Renegade, to the song "Lottery" by K-Camp
What is *do the dance*
Finish the vine reference:
"When there's too much drama at school, all you gotta do is _____"
What is: "Walk awayYyYyY"
This YFC leader broke their front 2 teeth while playing water polo at age 10
What is Warren
What does the BTS related acronym mean:
What is Adorable Representative M.C. for Youth .
Boy loses his origami boat in the sewer, meets demonic creature. Demonic creature ends up tormenting young kids in a small town
What is IT
Guess the TikTok trend:
has a typical white female name, always complaining, and usually wants to talk to the manager
What is a Karen.