Persian Wars
Spartan Life
Life after Persian Wars
Greek Contributions

Soon after the victory of Marathon, Athens discovered a rich deposit of this in the Athenian hills.

What is silver?


This was the geographic and political center of Greek life.

What is a polis?


This was the defensive alliance that protected Greek city-states from invaders (like Persia).

What is the Delian League?


This is the athletic event and festival held in Olympia every four years, showing many modern-day sports such as wrestling and track and field events.

What is the Olympics?


This was a step-by-step process that will lead to a final conclusion or truth invented by Socrates.

What is the Socratic Method?


This battle was one of the most pivotal battle in all of western history where the Greeks tricked the Persian fleet into sailing directly into a narrow strait.

What is the Battle of Salamis?


Spartans tried to prevent change in order to maintain this.

What is culture?


This period was when Athens saw prosperity, including advancements in art, architecture, philosophy, and democracy.

What is the Golden Age of Athens?


Winners of an Olympic event were crowned with this.

What is an olive wreath?


This was the substance Socrates had to drink during his execution.

What is hemlock?


This person was notorious in the Battle of Marathon for running to Athens, shouting “Nike” (the Greek word for victory).

Who is Pheidippides?


Men of Sparta were expected to be married by this age.

What is 20?


This was the Athenian leader who used money to build an acropolis, long walls, and made Athens center of the Greek world.

Who is Pericles?


In theater, soon after tragedies came this genre of plays.

What is comedy?


This philosopher wrote over 200 books.

Who is Aristotle?


This was the object described as a comparison to the density of a Spartan shield in combat.

What is a cutting board?


This was an aspect of Spartan government reserved for aristocrats only.

What is citizenship?


This marble temple was made in dedication to the Greek goddess Athena, had a golden statue with removable gold in the case of an emergency.

What is the Parthenon?


This was the athletic event in the original Olympics that combined boxing and wrestling.

What is pancratium?


This philosopher was the Father of Scientific Medicine, and he believed that diseases came from natural causes not from the gods.

Who is Hippocrates?


This was the Persian king that fell during the Battle of Plataea, ultimately solidifying Greek victory.

Who is Mardonius?


These were the three social classes of Sparta:

1. Enslaved people in Sparta who were farmers and gave half their earnings to the aristocrats.

2. Spartan merchants & artisans who were neither citizens nor slaves.

3. Small minority who kept the lower classes down by force

What are Helots, Perioecis, and Aristocrats?


This was the 30-year conflict resulting in Athens losing ¼ of their population from combat and a plague.

What is the Peloponnesian War?


Theater grew out of festivals celebrating this Greek god, the god of celebration.

Who is Dionysus?


Socrates left no writings after his passing. What we know of him comes from this pupil of his.

Who is Plato?