This department cares mostly about what draws people to their city
Travel & Tourism
I'm not Interested
Two more value Props
How many Civic Customers do we have?
The president of Placer
Koby Benzvi
Send me an email
I was going to do that anyway... what specifically is of interest to you? And spin it into a meeting!
The template we launched today specifically covers this
Travel and Tourism
Name of the report that shows Spend Analysis of visitors to a region?
Travel and Tourism
Risa's favorite food
Cottage Cheese
This persona loves placer for its Planned Development feature
My department is too small, we would never go for something like this
We work with over 1500 orgs, the majority of them on the smaller side. I did my research, and ultimately, your team could save time, make money, or save money by utilizing our tool.
Customer Story that showed we increased sales tax rev by 500k?
Washington UT
Ground truth data in the placer platform is called
Andree's Nickname
El Tigre
This department would not use Placer
Public Works, Public Relations, Zoning all acceptable answers
I don't take solicitation Calls
Well... Since I did catch you, can I take just 30 seconds and if you hate what I say you can hang up?
The term we use to show cities where their residents are going instead of spending locally?
Residential Leakage
Our most recent partnership was with this mapping company
Kyle's old team name
Order of the Pheanis
This department is newer to Placer but has sky rocketed recently in closed won deals
Parks & Rec
I'm busy tending to my duck farm
oh interesting... do you do that for the city or personally? Right, so I was more interested in sharing placer ai for the city of ducks to XYZ
Who is the SVP of the Civic Team?
Michael Mosley
Placer Platform Feature that would show where visitors came from to attend an event?
Cassidy is currently in this production
The Foreigner