Instructions (founding documents)
Colonists Temper tantrums (fights for freedom)
I've got an IDEA (enlightenment)
We The People... (preamble)
Hodge Podge
The first document that established self-government by creating a direct democracy in the colonies?
What is the Mayflower Compact?
Occurring in Massachusetts, this event was a definite colonial response to English taxes and policies.
What is the Boston Tea Party?
His theories were based and governed by nature, God given rights.
Who is John Locke?

What does "we the people" mean

What is everyone in the USA

This is the final the step in the naturalization process.
What is taking the oath?
This pamphlet was used to persuade members of the Second Continental Congress and justified the ideals and reasons for independence from Great Britain.
What is Common Sense?
This young man wrote a pamphlet to justify Independence from Great Britain.
Who is Thomas Paine?
Theory that guaranteed all individuals basic rights such as life, liberty and property.
What is Natural Rights?

What does "ensure domestic tranquility" mean

What is make peace within the country

How many days until the FIRST day of the EOC? 


This document outlined the first form of government for the United States.
What are the Articles of Confederation?
To stop buying or using a product, usually a form of protest.
What is a boycott?
This Enlightenment philosopher's ideas on government kept power in check, ensuring that no one branch becomes too powerful through Separation of Powers.
Who is Montesqieu?

What document does the Preamble belong to?

What is the US Constitution?


This term is an example of media informing the public about government activity or company recalls of defective items.

What is being a watchdog?

Its purpose is to introduce the Constitution and set forth its basic principles.
What is The Preamble?
The biggest concern of the colonists in reference to how they were being treated. You don't get my money if I don't have a say.
What is Taxation without Representation?
These three concepts as stated by John Locke are the cornerstone of our freedoms.
What are Life, Liberty, and Property? (Pursuit of Happiness)

Who gives the government power according to the Preamble?

What is a the PEOPLE! 

Government where a king or queen leads, either alone or with the help of a Parliament
What is monarchy?
After years of having their concerns ignored, the colonists wrote this to list their complaints, the biggest being "No Taxation without Representation".
What is the Declaration of Independence?
These 2 documents tried to check the king/queen by reminding them they were NOT above the law.
What are the Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights?
This John Locke theory states that people agree to give up certain freedoms to government and it is government's job to protect the people.
What is the Social Contract?

What does "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity" mean? 

What is protect liberty/freedom for us and our future generations?


A type of government in which the leadership is comprised of the few wealthy elite.

What is an oligarchy?