Origins and Purposes of Law & Gov't
Roles, Rights & Responsibilities of Citizens
Gov't Policies & Political Processes
Organizations & Functions of Gov't

2. What did many American colonists use Thomas Paine's Common Sense to justify?

Declaring independence from Britain


17. What will happen if a citizen does NOT perform the following actions?

- Attending public meeting

- helping neighbors after a storm

- Following rules at landmarks 

- Volunteering in the community

The common good will suffer


29. How do modern Democrats and Republicans view taxation?

Democrats tend to favor tax increases to support new social programs more than Republicans.


25. "Widespread Protests - We're being drafted to fight in Vietnam, says one man. Shouldn't we be able to vote?"

How did opinions like the one shown in this news story affect the political process in the United States?

It led to the 26th Amendment, allowing 18-years-olds to vote.


12. What was the viewpoint of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?

Federalists wants a strong central gov't

Anti-Federalists wanted the states to have more power


3. What happen after Colonist rejected taxes passed w/o representation?

British ignore colonist grievances


21. Ben was prosecuted and convicted in state court for speaking out publicly against the governor. During his trial, he was denied the counsel of a lawyer. Two years later, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned his conviction, explaining that the state had not guaranteed Ben’s constitutional rights. Which amendments apply to this case?

Amendment I (free speech) and Amendment VI (due process)


30. VOTE PETRA FINN FOR U.S SENATE - She will Protect Your Rights. Petra Will Fight for a Better Tomorrow

VOTE ALEKSI ALHO FOR U.S SENATE - A Job for Every Citizen. Aleksi Will Bring Jobs Back to Our State, Where They Belong

- According to the information on the posters, which individual would more likely vote for Aleksi Alho?

A voter concern about rising unemployment in the state


46. Federal - The central gov't has the most power

Both - State and local gov't share power with the central gov't

Confederal - 

Complete the statement.

In a confederal system, state gov't have the most power.


42. "The issue is the future of Southeast Asia as a whole. A threat to any nation in that region is a threat to all, and a threat to us."

Which international action is President Johnson justifying with this speech?

Sending troops to stabilize a region


6. List 3 weakness of the Articles of Confederation.

• Each state had one vote in the legislative branch.

• The government did not have an executive branch.

• The government did not have a separate judicial branch.

• Congress could not create taxes.

• Congress could not raise a national military separate from the states.

• Each state printed its own currency.

• Congress could not control trade between states and with other nations.

• New laws would require the support of nine of the 13 states, more than a majority.

• The Articles of Confederation required unanimous agreement of the states to amend the document.


16. Increase number of Naturalized U.S Citizen leads to what?

Naturalization leads to a larger pool of voters.


32. Online Petition--Low--Three Weeks

Calling Citizens by Phone--Moderate--Five Weeks

Letters to Citizens--Moderate--One Month

Group Rally--Event--High--Two Weeks

Emailing the Representative--None--One Hour

Lela wants to show her district’s representative in Congress that there is a lot of popular support of an upcoming bill. She has drawn up a chart of lobbying methods. She wants to lobby indirectly, but she does not have much money, and her deadline is a month from now. Which are her best options?

An online petition and letters to citizens.


48. "New Secretary of State Appointed and Confirmed"

Which parts of the national gov't participated in the process described in the newspaper headline?

President - nominates

Senate - holds a hearing


53. 1. State-level court of original jurisdiction

2. State-level court of appeals


4. U.S Supreme Court

What court completes the list?

Florida Supreme Court


9. Complete the Sentence.

The Gov't of the U.S ______ for its power and exist to ________

depends on people; serve the people


18. Why are citizens are required to file a FORM 1040 - U.S Individual Income Tax Return with the gov't?

To provide social programs for needy citizens


38. 1. Small business owners will not be able to make profit if minimum wages are increased. We cannot afford to increase minimum wage.

2. An employee who works 40 hours a week and is paid minimum wage is still living below the poverty line. We must increase minimum wage.

Which conclusion can be drawn from the views?

Minimum wage changes impact both small business owners and employees.


51. Why is a formal amendment process important?

To allow the Constitution to be adjusted as times change


34. A poster was displayed in 1947, at the beginning of the Cold War. 


How can the information on a poster like that be best categorized?



10. What constitutional principles are demonstrated in examples A and B?

Example A: The U.S Supreme Court declares a law created by Congress unconstitutional.

Example B: Congress passes a new tax law and the IRS enforces it.

Example A: checks and balances

Example B: separation of powers


20. Peter Brown has lived in his home since he was a child. Now the department of parks and recreation wants to tear down his neighborhood to build a park. A government official comes to visit Peter and offers to buy the house from him. Peter refuses. The official says that the government will now seize the property under the constitutional power of "eminent domain." According to the U.S. Constitution, under what circumstances would Peter win his fight to keep his home?

If the government did not offer him fair market price for his home


41. Which action illustrates citizen participation in an international organization?

Jada volunteers to help raise funds for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).


52. Powers of the executive branch

- Proposed laws

- Vetoes laws

- Grants federal pardons

- Negotiates foreign treaties

Which of the following is also a power of the executive branch?

Appoints federal judges


4. The Declaration of Independence included these complaints:

• Taxation without representation

• Limiting judicial powers

• Quartering Troops

• Dissolving legislature

Which complaint should be added to this list?

Suspending trial by jury in many cases