For Civics
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Federal government shares powers with the state governments, like taxes or law enforcement

What is a concurrent powers?


G.W. Bush claimed, "On my orders, coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importantance to undermine Saddam Hussein's ability to wage war." Identify the role the President is fulfilling.

What is commander-in-chief?


A founding document that failed because the states were had too much power and also because there was a weak central government.

What is the Articles of Confederation?


Nick Tripp is on trial for robbing the National Bank of Tampa. He was found guilty. What can Nick do if he thinks his attorney did not follow the law?

What is an appeal?

Supreme Court decision which upheld the 5th amendment right against self-incrimination when being arrested.
What is Miranda v. Arizona?

The number of levels the Florida courts have. 

What is 4?

President is dismissed from office for wrongdoing.
What is impeached?

The priciple that different levels of government share powers.

What is Federalism?


What we call the powers that the state has.

What are reserved powers?


Responsibilities of government, hence the amount of taxes owed, represent a major disagreement between these two major political parties(blank) and (blank).

What is democrats and republicans?


Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony claimed the rights and interests of women were greatly neglected by government. Stanton and Anthony argued for women to vote - which amendment was passed

What is ths 19th amendment?

A founding document that reflects a clear step toward self-government.
What is the Mayflower Compact?

This part of Congress decides how many representatives each state gets, by the state's population.

What is the House of Representatives?


Lexi Dogooder wants to pass an ordinance to require 50 community service hours to people who litter in Bradenton. Identify the legislative body she needs to address.

What is city council?


This is the difference between delegated, enumerated and expressed powers

What is - there is none?


Florida voters decided pigs should have bigger cages. Oink, oink. Identify the political term for this issue when placed on ballot. If this a an amendment it is confirmed this way.

What is by Florida voters?

Founding document that provided justification for revolting against unjust government.
What is Declaration of Independence?

Democracy is to Greece as Republic is to ...

What is Rome?


President Tami O'Connor was pulled over for speeding and given a ticket. Identify the principle of American democracy.

What is rule of law?


After the President proposes a treaty or a federal judge is nominated this group does the ratification and the confirmation

What is the Senate?


This level of government is responsible for licensing (hunting,drivers), curriculum for public education, and dealing with red tide

What is state government?


Where you can go when you want to appeal a decision of the Florida Supreme Court.

What is the US Supreme Court?


Parliament created a law requiring a tax on paper products.

What is the Stamp Act?

In Brown v. Board of Education, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed a previous decision made by the same court. Identify the decision reversed by Brown v. Board of Education.
What is Plessy v. Ferguson?
The 15 executive departments are also known as ...
What is the President's Cabinet?