Constitutional Government
Ideals from the D.O.I.
Supreme Court Cases
Supreme Court Cases
The Preamble
Types of Law
Amendments and Rights
Constitutional Safeguards / Protections

A principle of the federal government, according to the U.S. Constitution, that allows each branch of government to limit the power of the other branches

What is "checks and balances"?


The belief that individuals are born with basic rights that cannot be taken away by governments

What are "natural rights"?


The amendment to the U.S. Constitution that outlawed slavery in the United States

What is the "13th Amendment"?


U.S. Supreme Court case that determined that juvenile court must comply with the Fourteenth Amendment

What is "in Re Gault"?


U.S. Supreme Court case that established judicial review

What is "Marbury v. Madison"?


The well-being of the general public

What is "welfare"?


Law that deals with the actions and well-being of persons who are not yet adults

What is "juvenile" law?


The idea in the Second Amendment that people have an individual right to own and carry weapons 

What is the "right to bear arms"?


Common benefit, the general will of the public

What is "public interest"?


The structure of the federal government, according to the U.S. Constitution, that sets up three branches with their own distinct powers and responsibilities

What is "separation of powers"?


A complaint

What is a "grievance"?


The amendment to the U.S. Constitution that grants women the right to vote

What is the "19th Amendment"?


U.S. Supreme Court case that upheld a student’s First Amendment right to engage in symbolic speech in school

What is "Tinker v. Des Moines"?


U.S. Supreme Court cases that upheld the Fifth Amendment protection from self-incrimination

What is "Miranda v. Arizona"?


To establish something by law

What is "to ordain"?


Laws that have been developed to meet the needs of the military

What is "military" law?


The right of the government to take private property for public use; the Fifth Amendment requires that fair compensation be made when property is taken under 

What is "eminent domain"?


A Latin term meaning “after the fact”

What is "ex post facto"?


A government that has been limited in power by a constitution, or written agreement

What is "limited government"?


An agreement made by the people to establish a government and abide by its laws

What is "Consent of the Governed"?


The amendment to the U.S. Constitution that lowers the minimum voting age to 18

What is the "26th Amendment"?


U.S. Supreme Court case that limited executive privilege

What is "United States v. Nixon"?


U.S. Supreme Court case that determined that “separate but equal” segregation was not discrimination

What is "Plessy v. Ferguson"?


~ future generations

What is "posterity"?

Law that deals with crimes and the punishments associated with those crimes

What is "criminal" law?


The act of a person refusing to testify under oath in a court of law on the grounds that the answers could be used as evidence against him to convict him of a criminal offense

What is "pleading the fifth"?


A court decision in an earlier case with facts and legal issues similar to those in a case currently before a court

What is a "precedent"?


The power of the U.S. courts to examine the laws or actions of the legislative and executive branches of the government and to determine whether such actions are consistent with the U.S. Constitution

What is "judicial review"?


A government in which a single ruler possesses and abuses absolute power

What is "tyranny"?


The amendment to the U.S. Constitution that defines citizenship, grants citizenship to former slaves and defines voters as males at least 21 year of age

What is the "14th Amendment"?


U.S. Supreme Court case that determined that the First Amendment does not protect all types of student speech in school

What is "Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier"?


U.S. Supreme Court case that upheld the Sixth Amendment right that all defendants must be appointed a lawyer if they cannot afford their own attorney

What is "Gideon v. Wainwright"?


Something formed by combining parts, such as states into one country

What is "union"?


Law concerned with private relations between members of a community rather than criminal, military, or religious affairs

What is "civil" law?


The prosecution of a defendant for a criminal offense for which he has already been tried; prohibited in the Fifth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution

What is "double jeopardy"?


The principle that keeps the government from holding a citizen indefinitely without showing cause

What is "habeas corpus"?


Basic rights of the people that may not be taken away

What are "unalienable (inalienable) rights"?



The amendment to the U.S. Constitution that makes it illegal for the federal or state governments to deny someone the right to vote based on their race

What is the "15th Amendment"?


Supreme Court case that held that compulsory exclusion of citizens during times of war is justified in order to reduce the risk of espionage. 

What was "Korematsu v. the United States"?


U.S. Supreme Court case that determined that “separate but equal” segregation was not equal in public education

What is "Brown v. Board of Education"?


Referring to something at home, not foreign

What is "domestic"?


The written law enacted by a legislature, as distinguished from unwritten law or common law

What is "statutory" law?


A system of justice according to established rules and principles; based on the principle in the Fifth Amendment that a person cannot be deprived of life, liberty, or property without appropriate legal procedures and protections

What is "due process"?


According to the Ninth Amendment, any right that is not specifically addressed in the Constitution still may be protected (e.g., privacy)

What is "unenumerated / not written" rights?