Part 1
Part 2
Terms 1
Terms 2
Terms 3
Terms 4
Terms 5
Amendments / Supreme Court Cases 1
Amendments / Supreme Court Cases 2
Amendments / Supreme Court Cases 3

This is what Montesquieu is associated with.

What is balance of power?


Qualifications for this government official:

1. 35 years old

2. U.S. Resident for 14 years

3. Natural Born U.S. Citizen

What is the U.S. President?


These are written agreements with other countries and must be approved by 2/3 of Senate.

What are treaties?


This organization keeps peace and collective security. N.A.T.O. is the acronym.

What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization?


This technique is based off of "the more you say it, the more people will believe it." ("Everybody's doing it")

What is bandwagon?


Under this form of government, a city is governed by a commission.

What is a commission government?


This branch of government has the power to declare war.

What is congress?


This supreme court case sets up judicial review.

What is Marbury V. Madison?


To amend the U.S. Constitution: 

This fraction of Congress must approve it. 


What is 2/3?


These are the 5 freedoms given in the 1st amendment.

What are the freedoms of press, religion, speech, assembly, and petition?


1. This when you are a natural born U.S. citizen due to your parents being U.S. citizens.

2. This when you are a natural born U.S. citizen due to being born in the U.S. or in one of the U.S. territories.

1. What is law of blood?

2. What is law of soil?


John Locke was know for these 2 things.

1. What is social contract? 

2. What is natural law/rights?


This is the group of laws that refer to disputes between people.

What is civil law?


This political party doesn't support increased taxes on the wealthy to support social programs and increased business regulation.

What is the Republican Party?


These are federal funds given to state and local governments for specific projects.

What are grants-in-aid?


This political party supports increased taxes on the wealthy to support social programs and increased business regulation.

What is the Democratic Party?


This is a division of state government and is often the largest unit of local government.

What is a county?


This amendment guarantees fair protection and equal rights under the law to all citizens.

What is the 14th amendment?


This supreme court case's outcome enforced "separate but equal."

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?


This amendment abolished slavery.

What is the 13th amendment or Emancipation Proclamation?


These are the 4 obligations of U.S. citizens.

What are obey the law, pay taxes, jury duty, and defend the nation?


This is what Thomas Paine's common sense influenced the Founding Fathers to do.

What is declare independence from Great Britain and write the Declaration of Independence?


This is the power which states that the president may recognize, or establish official relations with, a foreign government.

What is diplomatic recognition?


1. This is propaganda which makes readers or listeners aware that someone is trying to influence them.

2. This is propaganda which is presented as a fact and its sources are kept secret.

1. What is revealed propaganda?

2. What is concealed propaganda?


This is the U.N. body that is mainly responsible for peacekeeping.

What is the security council?


These are the trial courts, lowest level courts, are the only federal court in which jury trials are held, and they are courts of original jurisdiction.

What are district courts?


This technique provides facts that only prove one side.

What is card stacking?


To amend the U.S. Constitution: 

This fraction of the states must approve it.

What is 3/4?


This is the number of amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

What is 27?


This supreme court case abolished segregation in public schools.

What is Brown v. Board of Education?


This document gave the federal government almost no power:

No power to tax, no power to regulate trade, no power to enforce laws, one branch of government (only legislative), 9/13 states to pass laws, 13/13 states to pass amendments, too rigid.

What is the Articles of Confederation?


These are 4 responsibilities of U.S. citizens.

What are vote, attend civic meetings, petition, and run for office?


This is any government program that provides economic or military assistance to another country.

What is foreign aid?


Interest groups can contribute to candidates through these committees which collect voluntary contributions to fund candidates that their committees favor.

What is a political action committee?


For elections, all counties, cities, and wards are divided into voting districts called this.

What are precincts?


These are the highest-ranking U.S. representatives in foreign countries. They work for the Department of State which is in charge of Foreign Policy. Their office in another country is called an embassy.

What are ambassadors?


This type of law is based on the Constitution and on Supreme Court decisions interpreting the Constitution.

What is constitutional law?


This amendment states that to ensure people accused of crimes appear for trial, judges can order them to pay bail.

What is the 8th amendment?


This supreme court case's outcome guaranteed free legal counsel.

What is Gideon v. Wainwright?


This amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18, because people thought that if you were old enough to fight in a war, then you could vote.

What is the 26th amendment?


These are the 3 rights according to the Declaration of Independence which every American is entitled to.

What are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness?


Qualifications for this government official:

1. 25 years old

2. Resident of their state

3. Citizen for 7 years

What is a member of the House of Representatives?


Under this plan, the city council holds more power than the mayor.

What is the weak-mayor plan?


The formal disapproval of a member of congress's actions.

What is censure?


These are forms of communication that transmit information to large numbers of people.

What is mass media?


This is when the president and the leader of a foreign government may meet and set up a mutual understanding.

What is an executive agreement?


This is the largest type of municipality.

What is a city?


This amendment gives states the power to act independently of the federal government to protect citizens’ rights.

What is the 10th amendment?


This supreme court case's outcome proved that juveniles have the same due process rights as adults.

What is In re' Gault?


This supreme court case's outcome guaranteed the right to remain silent.  

What is Miranda v. Arizona?


This political party wants maximum freedom with minimum government.

What is the Libertarian Party?


1. These are 2 SOURCES of American law. 

2. These are the 4 TYPES of law

1. What are Hammurabi's Code and English Common Law?

2. What are civil, military, criminal, and constitutional law?


This technique makes their view sound good, with no actual meaning.

What are glittering generalities?


These groups are organizations of people with a common interest. This is also known as a pressure group or lobby.

What are interest groups?


This is the government’s plan for interacting with the other countries of the world.

What is foreign policy?


This is the duty that citizens must report to serve as members of a jury, if they are called to do so.

What is jury duty?


This job position counts votes, encourage party loyalty, and ensure that the party’s members are present for important votes.

What is the party whip?


This amendment provides for a trial by jury in certain kinds of cases involving money or property.

What is the 7th amendment?


This supreme court case stopped the FL recount and gave the election to Bush.

What is Bush v. Gore?


This amendment made it so that African American men could not be denied suffrage.

What is the 15th amendment?


Qualifications for this government official:

1. 30 years old

2. Resident of their state

3. Citizen for 9 years

What is a Senator?


This is what you call it when people give away their power to rule and some rights to get back government protection.

What is a social contract?


This is a government controlled by one or more religious leaders who claim to rule on behalf of God or the gods worshipped in their country.

What is a theocracy?


This is a unit of government formed to meet a specific need.

What are special districts?


This is info meant to persuade you. 

What is propaganda?


This technique makes a candidate look like a regular everyday citizen.

What is plain folks appeal?


These are the 6 goals of the U.S. Constitution.

What are form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty?


This amendment implies that Americans enjoy basic rights not listed in the Constitution.

What is the 9th amendment?


This amendment banned poll taxes.

What is the 24th amendment?


This amendment grants the right to bear arms.

What is the 2nd amendment?


This political party wants government and the workers to control businesses and supports welfare programs for the people. 

What is the Socialist Party?


1. This document was made in 1620.

2. These 3 concepts from the above mentioned document influenced the founding fathers.

1. What is the Mayflower Compact?

2. What are self-government, rule of law, and social contract?


This is an organization that promotes peaceful coexistence and worldwide cooperation.

What is the United Nations?


This is the study of the characteristics of human populations.

What is demographics?


The planning for each political party is done through a series of this.

What are committees?


This is a tax a person had to pay to register to vote.

What is a poll tax?


This technique provides endorsements from popular people.

What are testimonials?


This amendment protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures.

What is the 4th amendment?


This supreme court case dealt with free press.

What is Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier?


This supreme court case's outcome guaranteed free speech.

What is Tinker v. Des Moines?


1. This document was written in 1215. 

2. The above mentioned document influenced the Founding Fathers with these 4 key concepts.

1. What is the Magna Carta?

2. What are limited government, trial by jury, advisors=parliament, and rule of law (no one's above the law)?


This political party wants the workers and the people to control businesses. Most were/are dictatorships.

What is the Communist Party?


This ensures that there are always 2/3 of the senate with prior experience.

What is the senatorial 1/3 election stagger?


This technique is negative sayings about the other side.

What is name calling?


You do this when you look at a state's population to determine how many seats they get in congress.

What is apportion?


This is the body of the U.N. that discusses, debates, and recommends solutions to problems.

What is the general assembly?


This is the practice of drawing district lines that favor a particular politician,  political party, or group of people.

What is gerrymandering?


This supreme court case dealt with the rule of law.

What is U.S. v. Nixon?


This amendment protects an accused person from hasty government action, states that no person can be denied life or liberty or property without due process of law, protects a person’s right to own private property, and protects from self-incrimination.

What is the 5th amendment?


This amendment sates that a person accused of a crime has the right to a prompt and public trial decided by a jury.

What is the 6th amendment?


These 5 acts that the British created led up to the colonies declaring independence.  

What are the stamp act, quartering act, tea act, townshend act, and intolerable acts?


These are the six steps to becoming a naturalized citizen.

What are living in the U.S. for five years, filling out an application, going through a background check, interview, passing a civics and English test, and taking the oath of allegiance? 


This is when jobs are given to people recommended by political party leaders.

What is patronage?


This method of delay in congress is nicknamed "talk the bill to death."

What is a filibuster?


This is many of the laws that affect our daily lives which are created by government agencies.

What are administrative laws?


All of the workers of independent agencies and the executive branch make up this.

What is the Federal Bureaucracy?


This act established the federal court system.

What is the Judiciary Act of 1789?


This amendment prohibits the quartering of soldiers without permission.

What is the 3rd amendment?


This amendment gave women the right to vote.

What is the 19th amendment?


This amendment called for the direct election of U.S. Senators.

What is the 17th amendment?