Early America
Supreme Court Cases
The Government
Political Parties
The Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Amendments

Which document established self-government? 

Mayflower Compact 


Which Supreme Court case establishes JUDICIAL REVIEW?

Marbury v. Madison


Who has the most power in a unitary government?

The Central Government 


What are third parties? Give 3 examples. 

Smaller political parties in a two party system that don't usually receive a lot of information, but influence the two major parties by talking about lesser known topics.

 Examples: Reform, Libertarian, Socialist, Natural Law, Constitution, and Green Parties


Name 3 grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence. 

Taxation without representation 

Quartering soldiers 

Suspending trial by jury in many cases 


What are two things John Locke was known for? Explain each. 

Social Contract- when people give away their power to rule and some rights to get back government protection 

Natural Law/Rights: Rights given to all humans; law based off of human rights


Which Supreme Court cases' outcome guaranteed the right to remain silent?

Miranda v. Arizona

(Created your Miranda rights)


What is the form of government that is run by the people, either directly or indirectly?



What is propaganda? Give an example. 

Information meant to persuade. 

Examples: Bandwagon, Glittering Generalities, Name Calling 


List 4 types of American Law

1) Civil Law

2) Criminal Law

3) Constitutional Law

4) Military Law

5) Juvenile Law


Federalist vs. Anti-Federalists

Describe the views of this first political party system.  

Federalists: strong government, strong executive branch, new constitution, did not want Bill of Rights

Anti-Federalists: weaker central government, demanded a Bill of Rights, wanted to amend the Articles of Confederation 


Separate but equal was established by which case? Which case overruled this outcome?

Plessy v. Ferguson established separate but equal. 

Brown v. Board overturned.

How many people are in the House of Reps? Explain.

How many people are in the Senate? Explain. 

House of Reps: 435 - based off population (made large states happy)

Senate: 100 - two per state (made small states happy)


What is the difference between the Communist and Socialist party?

Socialist: Improve working conditions by public ownership of energy, resources, transportation, and, providing free health care and education.

Communist: Publix ownership of all private property in order to help the working class. 


Which situation does not involve a right protected by the Bill of Rights?

A. The ability to own a gun (with law followed)

B. Freedom to join a place of worship 

C. Be able to petition the government 

D. Be guaranteed a high paying job 

D. Be guaranteed a high paying job 


Which document gave additional rights to the people of England?

English Bill of Rights 


In this Supreme Court case, the court ruled that minors have the same rights as adults under the 14th Amendment.

In re Gault


These two events relate to the US government. 

A. The U.S. Supreme Court declares a law created by Congress unconstitutional.

B. Congress passes a new tax law and the Internal Revenue Service enforces it.

What is demonstrated in both of these events?

A. Checks and Balances 

B. Separation of Powers 


How does bias media affect the public opinion?

The public can be persuaded to feel a certain way when bias is being used. 


Which amendment guarantees the right to a grand jury, forbids “double jeopardy,” and protects against self-incrimination?

Bill of Rights: Amendment 5


The Declaration of Independence stated that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are “___________ ________.” John Locke said life, liberty, and property were examples of _______ _______. 

Unalienable rights; natural rights 


Which Supreme Court case demonstrated Rule Of Law? 

US v. Nixon 


What are the three branches of government and what is the role of each branch?

Legislative: makes the laws

Executive: enforces the laws

Judicial: interprets the laws


As a ______, the media keeps watch over the government to see if they are doing anything wrong.

Interest groups hire ______ to see what kinds of laws government is passing and how it affects them. 

Citizens use the _____ to monitor government. 

watchdog; lobbyists; media 


 How did the U.S. Constitution address the problem under the Articles of Confederation that Congress had no power to ensure its laws were followed by the states? 

The Executive Branch was created.