Types of Government
Rights and Powers
Actions and Processes
Political Parties
The absence of any form of government.
What is anarchy?
According to the Ninth Amendment, any right that is not specifically addressed in the Constitution still may be protected.
What are unenumerated rights?
The right to ask the government to solve a problem or to express an opinion about how the government is being run.
What is petitioning the government?
A political party that believes in democratic government but also that the government should run some of the largest parts of the economy
What is the Socialist Party?
A person running for political office.
What is a candidate?
A system of government where power lies with the legislative body and the leader of the country is part of the legislature.
What is a parliamentary system?
Powers not written in the U.S. Constitution but are necessary and proper in order for the federal government to carry out the expressed powers; Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 gives Congress the power to do what it deems "necessary and proper" to carry out the delegated powers.
What are implied powers?
The process of formally approving something; ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
What is ratification?
A political party that believes that the federal government should take a more active role in people's lives, particularly those who are in need.
What is the Democratic Party?
A person who comes to a country to live there permanently.
What is an immigrant?
A form of government in which a single ruling party owns and controls the entire economy, and in which no private ownership is allowed.
What is communism?
Powers that are not granted to the federal government that belong to (are reserved for) the states and the people.
What are reserved powers?
To bring formal charges of wrongdoing against a public official (such as the U.S. President).
What is impeach?
A political party that believes the government should control the entire economy, and there should be no private ownership of business.
What is the Communist Party?
A legal member of a state and/or country.
What is a citizen?
A form of government where one person has unlimited power.
What is autocracy?
Powers shared by the national, state, and/or local government.
What are concurrent powers?
The right of a person to refuse to testify under oath in a court of law on the grounds that the answers could be used as evidence against him to convict him of a criminal offense.
What is pleading the fifth?
A political party that believes in individual freedom and believes the only purpose of government is to protect this freedom.
What is the Libertarian Party?
Any person not a citizen or national of a country.
What is an alien?
A form of government in which the power to govern is directly in the hands of the people rather than elected representatives.
What is direct democracy?
The belief that individuals are born with basic rights that cannot be taken away by governments; life, liberty, and property.
What are natural rights?
Propaganda technique involving the use of showing one-sided information.
What is card stacking?
A political party that believes that the federal government should play a less active role in people's lives and that individuals can take care of themselves without government help.
What is the Republican Party?
A person who has the right to vote in an election.
What is an elector?