Purposes/origins of Gov.
Division of Powers
Division of Powers Contd.
Political Party Systems
Foreign Policy
A form of government called that is ruled by the people.
What is Democracy?
What word means to divide the powers of our government between the nation and the states?
What is Federalism?
What system is in place that divides powers between the branches of government?
What is System of Checks and Balances
Is the United States a one, two, or three party system?
Two-Party System
A nation's relationship, interactions with other nations around the world
What is Foreign Policy
Name one of the theorists behind the Social Contract Theory.
What is John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau, or Thomas Hobbes?
The first 10 amendments of the Constitution are also called what?
What is The Bill of Rights
What are two primary responsibilities of the state governments?
What is Establish Local Governments, and Provide for the General Welfare of it's citizens.
What are the two main political parties in the United States?
Democratic and Republican
the view that a country should tend to it's own domestic affairs rather than worry about other countries
What is isolationist or isolationism?
List three of the five main purposes of government.
What is 1. Establish Justice 2. Ensure Domestic Tranquility 3. Secure Liberty 4. Provide for the Common Defense 5. Promote the General Welfare of Men?
List 3 types of powers divided between the national and state governments.
What is Reserved, Delegated/Implied, and Concurrent
What power does the executive branch have over the legislative branch?
What is The president can veto laws passed by congress.
What must U.S. citizens do in order for the government to be successful?
What is Vote
What's the view that a nation should assume an ACTIVE role in international affairs?
What is Internationalism?
"Separated the legislature into two houses: The Senate and The House of Representatives. There would be 2 senators from each state regardless of population, and the House would be based on population.
What was "The Great Compromise?
Name 3 responsibilities of the National Government
What is Fund the Postal Service, Establish and Army/Navy, Enforce Laws
Name one power the legislative branch has over the executive branch.
What is Legislative branch can override veto's made by the president, Legislature can impeach the president.
List 3 important duties (requirements) of a U.S. citizen.
Serve on a Jury, Sign-Up for the Draft (Men), Obey the Law of the Land, pay taxes
Name three of the four main Foreign Policy Priorities.
What is Preserving National Security, Promote World Peace, Promote Democracy, and Further Foreign Trade
List the 5 freedoms given to Americans in the 1st Amendment.
What is Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, and Petition?
Why does the Constitution separate powers between the Three Branches of Government?
What is that no one branch of government becomes too powerful
Name one power the Judicial Branch has over the Legislative Branch
What is Judicial Branch can rule that a law is unconstitutional
Name one third party that participates in U.S. elections.
Green Party, Libertarian, Bull Moose,
a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
what is imperialism?