For The

SS.7.CG.1.1 Which statement identifies an important influence that ancient Greece had on the American constitutional republic?

A. Americans believed in the equality of humankind.

B. Americans believed that religious liberty was a protected right.

C. Americans believed that ordinary citizens should participate in government.

D. Americans believed that a separation of powers would protect individual rights.

C. Americans believed that ordinary citizens should participate in government.


SS.7.CG.1.7 Which was an important weakness of the Articles of Confederation? 

A. It was based on the principle of limited government.

B. There was no national executive to provide leadership.

C. It gave the central government too much power over the states.

D. it maintained a form of association between the former colonies

B. There was no national executive to provide leadership.


SS.7.CG.2.2 Which action is a legal obligation of U.S. citizenship?

A. voting in all Presidential elections

B. serving on a jury when summoned

C. supporting one's parents in their old age

D. keeping informed about major public issues

B. serving on a jury when summoned


SS.7.CG.2.8 What is one method that interest groups use to monitor government?

A. They file lawsuits on special issues.

B. They publish editorials in newspapers.

C. They attend legislative committee hearings.

D. They advise candidates on election strategies.

C. They attend legislative committee hearings.


SS.7.CG.4.1 Which action is an example of a foreign-policy decision?

A. The President issued an Executive Order against cyber-bullying.

B. Congress raised the residency requirement for naturalization to 7 years.

C. The President signed an executive agreement with the President of Peru.

D. The Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act.

C. The President signed an executive agreement with the President of Peru.


SS.7.CG.3.1 What is an advantage of the United States constitutional republic over a theocracy?

A. Citizens can vote in elections.

B. Citizens have freedom of religion.

C. Citizens generally pay less in taxation.

D. Citizens receive public services from the government.

B. Citizens have freedom of religion.


SS.7.CG.1.8 The passage below is from the U.S. Constitution.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

In 1957, President Eisenhower sent the National Guard into Little Rock, Arkansas, in order to prevent violence. Which goal of government, listed in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, did this action illustrate?

A. to ensure domestic tranquility

B. to form a more perfect Union

C. to secure the blessings of liberty

D. to provide for the common defense

A. to ensure domestic tranquility


SS.7.CG.2.4 Which rationale was offered by government authorities for the forced internment of a large number of Japanese Americans during World War II?

A. The Bill of Rights did not apply to ethnic minorities

B. Japanese Americans would be safer in internment camps.

C. Japanese Americans posed an immediate threat to national security.

D. Not enough Japanese Americans were volunteering for military service.

C. Japanese Americans posed an immediate threat to national security.


SS.7.CG.3.3 The final clause of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress the power to make all laws that are "necessary and proper" to fulfill its other responsibilities. What name is sometimes given to this clause?

A. Elastic Clause

B. Ex Post Facto Clause

C. Bill of Attainder Clause

D. Writ of habeas corpus Clause

A. Elastic Clause


SS.7.CG.3.4 How does a reserved power differ from a concurrent power?

A. It is implied from the Constitution.

B. It is denied to the national government.

C. It is delegated to the national government.

D. It is exercised by both the state and national government.

B. It is denied to the national government.


SS.7.CG.1.3 Which important idea was found in the English Bill of Rights (1689)?

A. The members of humankind are all equal.

B. Government institutions should be transparent.

C. The government should not impose excessive punishments.

D. Government officials have a right to demand that citizens lend their money.

C. The government should not impose excessive punishments.


SS.7.CG.3.2 The passage below describes the government of Saudi Arabia.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is divided into politically into thirteen provinces. Each is headed by an emir who is appointed by the King and who answers to the Ministry of the Interior. These 13 provinces are further divided into 118 governorates headed by local mayors. The provinces re created by the King's authority and can be eliminated at any time.

Based on this passage, which system of government does the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have?

A. unitary

B. federal

C. oligarchy

D. confederal

A. unitary


SS.7.CG.2.6 What is an important consequence of FREE and FAIR elections?

A. People lose confidence in the ability of their leaders. 

B. People develop greater trust in their democratic institutions.

C. People regret the lack of continuity in their government's policies.

D. People fear interference by other countries in their electoral processes. 

B. People develop greater trust in their democratic institutions.


SS.7.CG.3.5 In 1971, two-thirds majority of the House of Representatives approved a proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In 1972, a two-thirds majority of the Senate approved the same amendment. What was the next step for amending the Constitution?

A. A majority of the state governments had to approve the amendment

B. A popular election would determine whether to adopt the amendment

C. Three-fourths of the state legislatures had to approve the amendment

D. The amendment had to be signed b the President of the United States to be adopted

C. Three-fourths of the state legislatures (38/50 states) had to approve the amendment.


SS.7.CG.3.6 How did passage of the 26th Amendment affect the U.S. political process?

A. Women are guaranteed the right to vote in all states.

B. U.S. citizens 18 to 20 years old were now given the right to vote.

C. Poll taxes were no longer permitted for voting in federal elections.

D. The federal government took over the regulation of statewide elections.

B. U.S. citizens from 18 to 20 years old were given the right to vote.


SS.7.CG.1.1 Republicanism, Representative government, Separation of powers, and Civic participation are several characteristics of the American constitutional republic. Which influence on America's constitutional republic is reflected in this statement?

A. the ancient Greek polis

B. the English Bill of Rights

C. the ancient Roman Republic

D. the Judeo-Christian Tradition

C. the ancient Roman Republic


SS.7.CG.1.10 During the ratification debates, Anti-Federalists demanded that the right to a speedy trial, freedom from illegal searches and seizures, and right not to have troops quartered in one's home be added to the Constitution in order for them to support it. Which document guaranteed these rights?

A. The [American] Bill of Rights

B. The Federalist Papers

C. The Articles of Confederation

D. The Declaration of Independence

A. The [American] Bill of Rights


SS.7.CG.4.2 What is the purpose of the World Trade Organization?

A. to protect global peace and stability

B. to create and maintain rules for international trade

C. to prosecute those responsible for crimes against humanity

D. to provide collective security for North America and Europe

B. to create and maintain rules for international trade


SS.7.CG.4.3 How did President John F. Kennedy respond to the threat of nuclear missiles in Cuba?

A. He sent an army of exiles to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs

B. He launched air strikes on Cuba to destroy the missile sites.

C. He placed economic sanctions on both Cuba and the Soviet Union.

D. He established a blockade around Cuba and threatened a U.S. invasion.

D. He established a blockade around Cuba and threatened a U.S. invasion.


SS.7.CG.3.11 Which statement summarizes the outcomes of the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education?

A. Students had the right to protest government policies by wearing armbands in school.

B. Amish parents could not be forced to send their children to public high schools. 

C. Mexican-American children were entitled to protection from discrimination.

D. States could not maintain segregated schools since racial segregation in public education is "inherently unequal".

D. States could not maintain segregated schools since racial segregation in public education is "inherently unequal".


SS.7.CG.1.5 How did the British government respond to the Boston Tea Party?

A. It passed the Intolerable Acts: Closed the Boston Harbor (Cutting off Boston's trade with all other countries); Enforced the Quartering Act; Dissolved representative legislatures, and MORE!!

B. It recognized colonial grievances and agreed not to pass any more taxes.

C. It ordered troops to fire on colonial demonstrators in a public square of Boston.

D. It declared the colonists to be in a state of open rebellion and outside the King's protection.

A. It passed the Intolerable Acts, closed the Boston Harbor, enforced the Quartering Act, dissolved representative legislatures, and MORE!


SS.7.CG.1.11 The list below includes some of the rights of American citizens in legal proceedings.

- Right to have a defense attorney

-Habeas Corpus

- Right against self-incrimination/Right to NOT testify against oneself

- Protection against cruel and unusual punishment

- Protection against double jeopardy

Which term is used to describe these rights?

A. Equal protection of the laws

B. Arraignment rights

C. Due process of law

D. Eminent domain

C. Due process of law


SS.7.CG.3.14 The statement below was published in support of the Constitution.

"Measures are too often decided, not according to the rules of justice and the rights of the minor party, but by the superior force of an interested and overbearing majority of ordinary citizens." -- James Madison, The Federalist, No. 10

Which feature of the Constitution was introduced to reduce the possible influence of an "overbearing majority"?

A. the creation of an Electoral College to select the President

B. the decision to place the executive branch in the  hands of one person

C. the requirement that the Senate confirm nominations by the President

D. the establishment of a House of Representatives to represent the people

A. the creation of an Electoral College to select the President


SS.7.CG.3.9 Claude runs a chain of tourist businesses in Florida. He imports T-shirts from Haiti to sell in his stores. One day, student protesters damage several of his shops, demanding that he pay his workers in Haiti a fair wage. Claude estimates the damage at $4,000. Claude sues the protestors for the damage they cause. 

Where is the original jurisdiction of this case?

A. This is a local small-claims case. 

B. This is a local challenge to international trade. 

C. This is a federal small-claims case. 

D. This is a federal challenge to international trade. 

A. This is a local small-claims case.


SS.7.CG.3.12 Which provision of the Florida Constitution has no equivalent in the United States Constitution?

A. Preamble with "We the People"

B. Cabinet officials are elected not appointed.

C. the "Necessary and Proper" Clause

D. the ability of the legislature to override an executive veto

B. Cabinet officials are ELECTED not appointed.