Interests Groups
Political Parties
Prime Ministers

what is an interest group?

A. Group of people with a common interest who work to influence the government.

B. Group of people who want Control over everything in the world.

A. Group of people with a common interest who work to influence the government.


What type of propaganda is shown in the image below?


A Negative attack ad

B Endorsement/Testimonial

C Plain Folk

B Endorsement/Testimonial


Liberals typically prefer ____________ government than conservatives. 

A Less

B Equal

C More

C More


While the president can ONLY serve as the leader for the executive branch of government in the United States, Prime Ministers can serve as leader for TWO branches.  The executive AND the... 

A Judicial 

B Legislative

B Legislative


Who Was the 35th president 

A George Washington

B John F Kennedy

C Lyndon B Johnson

B John F Kennedy


which of the following is an Interest group?

A. Republican Party

B. United States Military

C. National Riffle Association

C. National Riffle Association


Why is "coat tailing" often seen as an ineffective form of propaganda? 

A  It is often seen as mean, aggressive, and unkind 

B  It can be very expensive to get celebrity support 

C People use the success of others instead of themselves

C People use the success of others instead of themselves


Citizens who choose not to associate with either of the two major political parties in the United States can technically join... 

A Republican 

B Third parties

C Political Parties

B Third parties


How is a Prime Minister selected in countries that use Parliamentary democracy? 

A The courts select them

B The law makers (legislative branch) selects them

C The king/queen selects them


B The law makers (legislative branch) selects them


Who was the 31st president

A Herbert Clark Hoover

B Abraham Lincoln

C Theodore Roosevelt

A Herbert Clark Hoover


Which of the following is not an interest group?

A Environment Protection 

B The Legislative Branch

C National Education Association 

B The Legislative Branch


What type of propaganda is used in the images below?

A Coat Tailing 

B Bandwagoning  

C Negative Attack Ad


C Negative Attack Ad


Which major political party typically focuses on these key issues:

  • Military
  • Strong Border Protection
  • Personal Rights and Freedoms
  • Crime Reduction

A Democrat

B Libertarian

C Republican

C Republican


Which statement is TRUE about BOTH presidents and prime ministers. 

A There are actually no similarities

B They are both selected by the supreme court

C They both serve as leaders of their government


C They both serve as leaders of their government


Who was the 8th president

A Andrew Jackson 

B Abraham Lincoln

C Martin Van Buren

C Martin Van Buren


what describes this "Interest groups can form these organizations that are allowed to legally give large amounts of money to people they want to win elections"

A Political Action committee

B Lobbying

C Electioneering

A Political Action committee


Why can propaganda sometimes be considered "politically dangerous" ? 

A  It can "brainwash" people with incorrect or inaccurate information

B It can cause government officials to lose popularity

C It can cause businesses to lose customers quickly


A  It can "brainwash" people with incorrect or inaccurate information


What does a political spectrum tell us?

A It tells us what to think 

B It creates arguments 

C  It shows a range political parties and opinions

C  It shows a range political parties and opinions


Unlike a "presidential democracy", countries that use "parliamentary democracies" have a different title for their leader.  What is that title? 

A  Advisory Ambassador 

B  Prime Minister

C Prime Diplomat 

B  Prime Minister


who was the 15th President?

A George Washington

B James Buchanan 

C Abraham Lincoln

B James Buchanan


What does this describe "This action is when an interest group pays one of its own members to talk to law makers and influence them in their favor "

A Monitor

B electioneering

C Lobbying

C Lobbying


The political cartoon below pokes fun at one of the types of propaganda known as "stacking the deck".  After reviewing the image, which description below best fits "stacking the deck" type of propaganda?

A Using someone else's fame to boost your own

B  Listing only successes and accomplishments

C Using catchy slogans or phrases


B  Listing only successes and accomplishments


"I'm not a huge fan of change.  Things have been working pretty well the way they are, and we don't need government to come in and change things up."


This person is probably a...

A Conservative

B Socialist

C Liberal

A Conservative


In a presidential democracy, how is the leader/president chosen? 

A  The previous president selects them

B  Citizens vote for them

C  The law makers (legislative branch) selects them


B  Citizens vote for them


Who was the 28th president 

A William Howard Taft 

B Warren G. Harding, 

C Woodrow Wilson

C Woodrow Wilson