DOI and Bill of Rights
American Revolution
Important American Revolution people
Amendments and articles

" was born in the US but lived in Mexico for my whole life, now I want to move to the US"; access granted or denied?



What were the 2 men known for being "The father of the Constitution"?

James Madison and John Adams which was James Madison's blueprint.


What were the main causes of the American Revolution?

No taxation without representation, the quartering of soldiers during peace, the Tea act, and the Boston massacre.


Who was John Adams?

-He was the second president of the US

-attended the Continental Congress

-nominated Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence

-wrote the American Alien Sedation Act

- Defended the British soldiers after the Boston Massacre.


What is the 11th amendment?

This amendment allows the residents of Washington D.C. to vote in presidential elections.


I was born in Australia but my parents know people from Missouri can I enter the US?

No, you can enter only if your parents or you are natural born citizens.


True or False; Were the Articles of Confederation unfaulty?

False, the Articles of Confederation had many flaws such as representation, state versus federal powers, executive power, slavery, and commerce.


True or False; Many people were killed in the Boston Massacre.

False, 5 where dead and 6 wounded


How was James Madison important in the American Revolution?

He helped write the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, attended the Continental Congress, Criticized the Treaty of Paris, organized the executive branch, and set up federal systems. 


What is the 17th Amendment?

This amendment altered the way that the U.S. elects senators to the U.S. Senate.


I wanted to move to the US to become a successful technician and I accepted a job with a very prominent software company"; is her access to move to the US granted or denied?



Where did the Constitutional Convention take place?

In Philidelphia


True or False; The intolerable acts were also known as the coercive acts and were passed after the Boston massacre.

False; the Intolerable Acts were passed after the Boston Tea Party.


Who were the fathers of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston.


What amendment is this; The amendment that disallows the use of poll taxes.

The 24th Amendment.


"I'm a refugee from Syria I seek asylum in the US can I enter?; Is access denied or accepted?



True or False; The first continental congress was to come together and declare Independence from Britain.

False; the first Continental Congress was so that the committees of correspondence to come together about the problem between Britain (freedom). The second continental congress was the colonies coming together as a declaration of war.


True or False; In the Great Compromise, the smaller states wanted a more centralized government to lead the nations called the Virginia Plan.

False; The Virginia Plan was for a strong national government with three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. While the Jersey Plan was for a weaker central government (anti-federalists) who were scared of another monarchy.


Why was John Locke important in the American Revolution?

Locke based his Two Treatises around the idea of a social contract in which individuals consent to surrender some of their rights in exchange for protection and order. American Revolutionaries adopted this notion and others, particularly in the Declaration of Independence of natural rights.

True or False; Article 9 explains that only the new central government had the power to declare war and make peace with foreign countries. The central government was also responsible for assigning ambassadors to represent the United States in other countries.



What are the 5 main reasons people are granted citizenship

1. married to a US citizen 

2. Be naturally born in the US

3. Hired with a US corporation and here for work-related business

4. selling refugees from war/prostitution

5. Parents are born in the US


What was the Great Compromise?

Virginia plan and Jersey plan together, the compromise of having a senate with equal representation and representatives varied by population of states.


What was the effect of the Boston Tea party?

The Intolerable acts.


How did George Mason influence the American Revolution?

He was responsible for the Bill of Rights which 


What does Article 6 explain?

This article declares that the constitution and the laws and treaties of the federal government are the highest in the land. "supremacy Clause"