our prime minster
who is Justin Trudeau
The political party that prioritises the environment
What is the Green Party
This freedom gives you the right to choose religion.
The age you can apply for Canadian Citizenship
What is 18 years old
The Legal age to vote in Canada
What is 18 years
What party is our Prime Minister
What is the Liberal Party?
the party that cares about Universal healthcare
what is liberal
what is the right to freely move around the countries
what is mobility rights
Citizens need a certificate to be confirmed a Canadian
What is a citizenship certificate?
what allows you to anonymously vote
what is a secret ballet
The First Prime Minister of Canada
What is John A. Macdonald
This party cares about Canada's historical roots.
What is the NDP Party?
The year that the charter of rights and Freedoms was introduced
What is 1982
how old to be citizen
what is any age
Language you need to use to vote in the ballet in Canada
What is English or French?
who was the oldest prime minister
What is Charles Tupper
how many political parties does Canada have
what is 5
when was the rights and freedoms act created in Canada
what is 1982
women had the right to vote
what is 1918