Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s?
▪ World War I
▪ World War II
▪ Korean War
▪ Vietnam War
▪ (Persian) Gulf War
What major event happened on September 11, 2001, in the United States?
▪ Terrorists attacked the United States.
The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words?
We The People
Who is The President and Vice-President of the U.S.A, and what political party are they a part of?
Donald Trump (President),J.D Vance (Vice President), Republican Party
Name one right only for United States citizens?
▪ vote in a federal election
▪ run for federal office
Name the U.S. war between the North and the South?
Civil War
What is one reason colonists came to America?
▪ freedom
▪ political liberty
▪ religious freedom
▪ economic opportunity
▪ practice their religion ▪ escape persecution
What did the Declaration of Independence do?
Declared our freedom from Great Britain!
Who is one of your state’s U.S. representative now?
Juan Ciscomani
What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen?
▪ give up loyalty to other countries
▪ defend the Constitution and laws of the United States
▪ obey the laws of the United States
▪ serve in the U.S. military (if needed)
▪ serve (do important work for) the nation (if needed)
▪ be loyal to the United States
During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the United States?
What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803?
the Louisiana Territory
What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
Banned Slavery in the U.S.A
What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?
Mike Johnson
When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms?
April 15th
Who did the United States fight in World War II, Name them all?
Japan, Germany, and Italy
The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution. Name one of the writers?
▪ (James) Madison
▪ (Alexander) Hamilton
▪ (John) Jay
▪ Publius
When was the Declaration of Independence adopted, exact date?
July 4th,1776
Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now?
John Roberts
What is the economic system in the United States?
Name one war fought by the United States in the 1800s?
▪ War of 1812
▪ Mexican-American War
▪ Civil War
▪ Spanish-American War
There were 13 original states. Name three?
▪ New Hampshire
▪ Massachusetts
▪ Rhode Island
▪ Connecticut ▪ New York
▪ New Jersey
▪ Pennsylvania
▪ Delaware
▪ Maryland
▪ Virginia
▪ North Carolina
▪ South Carolina ▪ Georgia
When was the Constitution written?
Who was President during the Great Depression and World War II?
Who is FDR?
The U.S.A flag has 50 stars and 13 stripes, what do they represent?
50 stars- 50 states
13 stripes- 13 og colonies